Chapter 10. A time of magic.

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Emil shivered as he walked up to the wooden door that belonged to Leon's house. It was currently hallow's eve. The sun was just setting on the horizon and all the young trick-or-treaters were just making their first rounds on everyone's houses. Emil could recall a time where he was a naïve child, just like those trick-or-treaters. Where nothing really mattered.

Now everything seemed to matter. Mistakes could cost you your social life. You don't have your parents or siblings covering up for you as much as before.

You're more independent, but sometimes being independent can be scary.

"Who is it aru?" A voice called from behind the door. That voice belonged to Wang Yao, Leon's older brother, and his 'teacher' as Leon likes to put it.

"It's me." Emil called out. Then waited patiently for the door to open. However, when it didn't the boy was confused.

"Who's me?" The voice questioned, it gained and irritated sigh from Emil on the other side of the door.

"It's Emil." The boy's irritated voice answered.

"That's better."

The door clicked and Emil was allowed in. He made his home inside the large house. While Wang Yao just walked back into the living room. Emil glanced around the house while the other male just seemed to be preparing to leave.

"Right, Leon is upstairs, I'm going out for the night, Emil no hanky panky!" Wang Yao warned, causing Emil to stare at the other with confusion.

"Hanky.. Panky..?" Emil repeated, then tilted his head. In a state of obvious annoyance Yao changed the warning.

"Don't frick frack!" He warned.

"I'm sorry but what the hell is frick fracking?" Emil cursed. He noticed how annoyed the other was. However, he didn't know why? "You stupid child! No having sex!" Yao warned. Emil suddenly clicked.

Emil turned various shades of pink and red as he looked away.

"We are not a couple."

"And I'm the president of The Hello Kitty Fan Club." Yao responded. He had a sarcastic tone to his voice, causing Emil to stare at him in shock.

"What?" Emil spat out, obviously confused. The other just shrugged. "What..?" Yao copied the boys confusion, however, the latter only did this as a ruse to get out of the fact that he was apart of 'The Hello Kitty Fan Club.'

"Anyway no sex!"

With that Wang Yao had made his great escape. Emil had just experienced the most awkward situation he has ever had to go through. This was worse than the time Lukas had dressed him up as a puffin and made him do the puffin dance... Okay maybe that time was much worse than this one considering that Emil was twelve and no twelve year old should go through that.

Now another embarrassing moment was about to happen. He was about to reveal something to Leon, however, he was unsure of how the other male would react.

Walking up the stairs, he clutched his rucksack close to his chest.

He gulped as he opened the door. His hand was shaky. His breath ragged. He was just so worried. Worried at what was going to happen. Why... Why was he so worried? Was he worried at the fact that Leon might reject his preposition?

"H-Hey!" Emil greeted opening the door and walking into the room.

Leon, as per usual, was playing his computer and probably messing around with different MOD's in his vast library of games. Or maybe he was playing that fantasia game that everyone seemed to be into?

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