Bad Timing for A Rescue

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Arabella's P.O.V

The next morning I woke to the smell of bacon. If there was ever a way to actually wake me up without me punching you, it was to make bacon. Food was my weakness. And to make it worse, I was starving. My stomach sounded like a dying whale all night and I kept thinking about pizza cause pizza is amazing right? So many toppings...

I wiped the drool off my face when I heard my bedroom door opening. Logan peeked his head in and smiled slightly. "Peace offering?" He opened the door fully, and in his left hand was a plate of bacon. I eyed it like I was some wild animal ready to eat it's prey. Hunger really does drive you crazy. But of course I was Arabella and when you're me, you don't give in that easily.

"No thanks. But I would like a side of freedom with that bacon if that's possible?"

Logan gave me a pointed look, then he just shrugged. "More bacon for me then." And he closed the door. I sat there staring at it for what seemed like forever with my mouth hanging open. That ass! Without thinking, I quickly got off my bed and stomped out of my room. I found the jackass sitting down in the living room watching some zombie show, while he stuffed his face with bacon. Actually let me rephrase that. As he stuffed his face with my bacon.

I coughed loudly but he pretended like I wasn't standing in the living room glaring at him. So I figured I'd plop down next to him, and I did. I grabbed the bacon from him and started eating it casually. Logan looked sideways at me.

"I knew you'd take the bait."

"What bait?" I said. It came out muffled because of the amount of bacon in my mouth.

He smirked. "The bait in your mouth."

Was it just me or did that sound really sexual? "I figured I should eat for your safety. I mean have you ever seen a woman deprived of food? It's scarier than Godzilla."

"You think Godzilla's scary?" Logan asked, snickering.

"No I think hungry woman are and right now I'm hungry, so you should shut the hell up."

Logan quirked an eyebrow but said nothing.

So we just sat there, me eating bacon, him sitting beside me watching that zombie show. The light from the television screen made his blue eyes shine, they looked almost as bright as mine in that moment. "You need to stop checking me out." Logan said, facing me now. I looked away as soon as his eyes met mine.

"In your dreams." I said, placing my empty plate on the coffee table.

"Or in your dreams. I can make it happen." He smirked at me and I narrowed my eyes.

"If you want to continue being a male with functioning parts, I wouldn't do that."

Logan's eyes widened for a split second and I couldn't help but laugh. "You're afraid me." I said while laughing.

Now Logan laughed. "I'm not afraid of you Arabella."

The way he said it made me look away from him, my face seemed to burn. But then Logan's fingers snaked under my chin and he turned me to face him. The second our eyes met my body wasn't in my control anymore "It's you who's afraid of me."

I scoffed at that and broke away from him. "Why would I be afraid of you?"

"Because you're in love with me. You're fighting a battle with yourself because every instinct in your body wants to touch me. Or.." He trailed off, coming closer to me. "every instinct in your body wants me to touch you."

His words set fire to every nerve ending in my body. My brain was demanding his touch and my heart was screaming at me to let go of any reluctance I had.

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