You're not a freak, you're a Shadow

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I'm sitting on a pretty comfy chair, with an ice pack resting on my head. I guess I hit it pretty hard when I fell over, or fainted should I say.

"Arabella." I hear Ms. Eloise sigh with relief but I'm still as shaken as ever.

"I need answers." I say aloud hoping she can provide me with them.

"Okay, listen what you saw you weren't supposed to. Well not right now anyway..." She drifts off thinking of something to say.

"Well when was I supposed to see it? I mean it has nothing to do with me!" I still feel a little fuzzy from that fall.

"You see that is where you're wrong, it has everything to do with you." Ms Eloise's eyes met mine and my head hurts from all this confusion. Then I feel Felix by my feet purring and I can't help but feel more relaxed because of him. 

"Everything? In what way?" I ask shakily, hoping she would drop this insane conversation topic and let me leave.

"You're a Shadow Arabella." She stares at me with hard green eyes.

"'re crazy." I stand up and look for the nearest exit but my chest is tightening up and I can't breathe. I'm not one of those things, I can't disappear or throw knives, she's trying to drive me insane!

"Arabella stop! Close your eyes and focus on a particular place in this room, somewhere you want to be, and I promise you the result will prove it." She begs me to try and at first I'm reluctant but just to prove her wrong I shut my eyes tightly and imagine the door. For some reason the whole situation makes me want to laugh, that's how ridiculous this was.


"See I'm not a freak now if you don't mind-"

"Try again! Focus on all the small details." She persists.

I glare at her but instead of leaving I shut my eyes once again and imagine the door. I think of it's faded dark red colour along with the rusty doorknob and suddenly for a split second I felt like I was floating, like I wasn't in reality anymore. I opened my eyes and the red faded door was facing me along with black little spirals fading into the air.

"How did I do that?" I stare at my hands and feet as if they would explain.

Ms Eloise smiles slightly.

"Like I said Arabella, you are a Shadow just like your parents." Ms Eloise said softly.

"My parents? What do you know about them?" I shoot a curious glance toward her and her smile slightly fades.

"That's all, your mother came here when she was your age but left when she was very young. I didn't know her personally but its clear she has past the shadow gene down to you." Ms Eloise reaches over and takes my hand in hers but I pull away.

"I'm already too much of a freak so if you don't mind I'm going now." I say turning around.

"Arabella-" She grabbed my wrist but before she can say anymore I shut my eyes and thought of the only place I could.

I opened my eyes and I was standing in my spacious room, feet sunk into the carpet and the warm air glowing in from the huge window. I sit down and put my head between my legs playing everything over and over again. This was freaking me out big time! I always knew I was different, but this different is beyond anything I ever thought!

I let out a long shaky breath and tried to focus instead. Maybe this wasn't so bad? Now I know something about my family, my mother, she was a Shadow. Okay maybe not what I thought I would find out but still it's something. But I still don't want anything to do with Ms Eloise and her Shadows. I need time to think about this.

I slowly made my way back to the school hoping to find refuge in a familiar face. Shelby waved like a lunatic when I caught her eye. I made my way over noticing once again she was alone.

"Is it just me or do you lack in friends?" I snapped. Okay Arabella ease up it's not Blondie's fault you're a Shadow.

"Sorry..." I trailed off. She patted the seat next to her.

"It's okay, I just mix with my own company, I like being alone." She looked down at her lunch with a sad smile on her lips.

"Then we have something in common." I said and she looked up and beamed at me. She was so kind I couldn't help but return her smile. Then it faded. I caught the eye's of my locker buddies, the ring leader, what was his name? Ash or something? He was staring right at me and then I felt like something was trying to push it's way inside my thoughts.

Come join the table?

My eyes snapped straight towards Ash. He didn't move his lips? It almost felt like...he was in my head....'Go away!' I pushed back the same way I thought his voice was coming from. I sighed with relief when I got no reply, maybe I had imagined it.

Then I hear it again, and this time it hurts. I jump from the table and tell Shelby I need some air. In a rush, I go towards the front exit of the school. Panting, I relaxed against a wall outside the school happy to have real fresh air in my system.

Then, door next to me opened revealing him. The mind invader. I groan loudly and he raises his eyebrows at me .

"You're pretty dramatic, you nearly knocked over your table trying to leave." He says in a voice like he found this funny.

I glared at him. "Excuse me? Dramatic? You spoke to my head that's freaky! I'm a freak." I say, realizing that I'm just like Ash and can speak to minds if I tried.

"You're not a freak, you're a Shadow." He states flatly.

No, no I'm nothing like him. My minds racing and I'm growing more mad which results in me pushing at Ash's chest. 

"Shut up! I'm nothing like you! Leave me alone." I yelp in frustration while trying to push him away. He doesn't budge. Instead, he grabs my wrists and moves closer to me so that I can practically feel his breath tickle my skin. I meet his grey eyes and I instantly relax. I was captivated by them so much that I wasn't sure I was even breathing.

"Listen, you're a Shadow, you're apart of this group now." He says more softly, "So basically now I'm trying to help you. Maybe yeah it's scary when you first find out but after that, it's a rush and you'll love it." He smiled knowingly.

"Well I won't love it if I never try it." I tear my wrists from his hands, my dark eyes forming a cold icy glare. I push away my unwanted comfort from being close to him and before he can say anything else, I turned away from him and walked back inside.

Although my body couldn't shake the feelings his grey eyes stirred in me, I had a feeling Ash Knightly wasn't someone I would forget anytime soon.


Hey guys, this is like my third time uploading in one day, it has never been done but I'm bored, it would help if you read them or commented or even voted :D 

Sorry for any mistakes and sorry its so short I'll probably upload a chapter a day, depending on if people let me no its worth it!

Vote, comment please:)

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