Nightmares are Real Part 1

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To say I woke up the next day regretting my life choices was a complete understatement. For one, I was finally getting what I wanted; Ash Knightly and I may have completely ruined that by, and for two, kissing Logan.

"Arabella!" Shelby threw a pillow in my direction but I caught it and threw it back at her. Of course she didn't expect it and nearly toppled of her bed.

"Stop daydreaming!" She called out from under the pillow.

"I'm not daydreaming." I said.

"Then you're on another planet. Let me guess, planet Logan?"

I gave Shelby a sharp look. I didn't tell her about the kiss but I still felt paranoid, like everyone knew. No one could find out. And by no one I specifically meant Ash.

"Planet Logan doesn't exist in my mind." I said as I stood up and shouldered my bag. I zipped up my hoodie and said, "Are you coming to class or what?"

Shelby nodded and grabbed her bag. "How did you sleep last night?"

I shrugged, "Fine I guess, why?"

"No reason."

Shelby walked in front of me while I stared at the back of her head with narrowed eyes. "No reason?" I asked.

Her shoulders stiffened. "Yup." She said, popping the 'p'.

Now usually I wouldn't let this go, but considering that it was about my sleeping, I decided not talking about it was for the best. So what if Shelby noticed I wasn't sleeping. If we didn't talk about it and acted like everything was okay, then everything was okay.

"You have Agriculture right?" Shelby asked, once we were drawing nearer to our school.

"Yep." I said, popping the 'p' like she had done earlier.

"Well I'll see you after then."

I nodded, but before she left she turned around and looked me in the eye.

"You know you can tell me if there's something wrong right?"

I felt bad, she genuinely looked worried but I couldn't tell her. She was so happy lately, I couldn't bother her with my unpleasant nightmares.

"Right. But there's nothing wrong." I smiled and she returned it, looking reassured.

We walked together until I was near room 501. I swallowed hard, what if Logan was in there? Or worse, what if Ash knew about me and Logan. While this worry took over my consciousness, I barely mumbled goodbye to Shelby. Who in return cast me another worried glance.

I held my breath as I opened the red door that's become so familiar in the last few weeks. It creaked, announcing my arrival, which caused many heads to swivel in my direction. Hunter was there, he smiled warmly. Nick smirked, Alex kind of half glared, half smiled if that was possible? I saw Logan talking to Ms Eloise. My heart started hammering in my chest.

"Since when does Arabella Mortem look worried?"

I stiffened.

"I'm not worried." I said, looking anywhere but Ash's eyes. I caught Logan's eyes from across the room, he flicked them between myself and Ash. Panic began to build up in my chest and I grabbed Ash by the arm and dragged in towards the training room, away from Logan.

"We have training." I said, smiling sweetly at Ash's confused expression.

"Yeah, in twenty minutes." He said slowly.

I shot him a look. "I know but-"

I didn't have an excuse. I tried to think while my gaze wondered around the training room. It was practically a huge wooden box with a weapons room right next door. Targets hung on the walls along with swords, daggers and all sorts of ancient knives. I called it the wooden box because the walls and flooring were wooden, makes sense right?

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