Well.. I did want him to explode

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Shelby being the awesone person she is, decided to hang around with me for lunch while we both talked about boring things, like what things we liked or how my hair was so long. I was glad we were friends but I couldn't help but still be defensive about certain things.

"I see you caught the eye of Mr. Popular." Shelby sent a large grin my way.

"Uh don't even get me started about Ash." I didn't want to talk about him right now, I was eating.

"Oh no....Nick Bennet." I stared towards the direction she was nodding at and caught the eyes of a very good looking blond haired guy. Now this was more like it!

"I wouldn't get involved with him though, he's more bad guy and loves trouble." You could see the warning in her eyes but I loved trouble.

"Sure whatever you say." I caught his eyes once more and gave him a slight smirk, he mirrored my expression. Then I caught Shelby's eye.

"I'm serious Arabella, he's probably on the brink of being kicked outta here." She made some funny hand actions and I nodded reassuringly at her.

"Ash may be cocky but he's one of the sweetest guys at this school, he doesn't dump a girl the minute he gets what he wants."

"Okay chill! I got it." I still couldn't help looking at him every two minutes, a girl needs some attention sometimes. Even if it is coming from him.

"Right I'm off to agriculture." Such a stupid cover up name.

"I wonder would they let me join up for that class?" Shelby wondered, I nearly laughed.

"Trust me it's a lot more boring than you think." I winked at her and left.


Opening the door to class I found everyone to one side of the room finding something very amusing. While Hunter, the boy who threw the knife my first day, was distancing himself from everyone. I choose to plop myself down on the red sofa and wait for Ms Eloise. I kept my eyes steadily on the floor not wanting to draw any attention to myself, but of course Ash picked today to introduce me to everyone.

"Arabella, this is Abigail, Hunter, Daniel, Lucy, Lisa and Nick. Not everyone is here today though, this isn't even a fraction of the amount of Shadows here." He says.

I knew Abigail, she was the only person so far I immediately disliked. As for the others they seemed kind. All of them smiling at me. Hunter, Daniel and Ash all had the same build but they couldn't have been more different. Lucy and Lisa were twins with strawberry blond hair that flowed down their backs in loopy spirals. They sent off a charming vibe where as Abigail sent me filthy looks.

Then something registered in my head. My eyes shot towards Nick, he leaned against the wall lazily looking as if he couldn't care less with what was happening around him. He was the same Nick I had watched today, the same Nick Shelby warned me about.

I strolled towards him with a seductive smile playing at the edges of my lips. His eyes flickered towards mine when he noticed me approaching.

I smiled brightly "Hey." 

He quirked an eyebrow in confusion but his eyes glistened in amusement. 

"Arabella." he looked serious but I could hear the hint of teasing in his voice. I reached for his hand and shook it. I noticed how soft his hands were but nudged that thought out of my mind.

"What can I do for you?" He couldn't suppress his grin and I felt an unwanted blush creep up my neck and rest on my face. I tried to snap myself out of this girly reaction and took a step closer.

"I think the question we're looking for here is, what can I do for you?" I smiled to myself, now that was more like it.

"Sorry kid, I don't get involved with Agriculture buddies." He pushed himself away from the wall and winked at me. It took me a few seconds to realize that I had been rejected and worst of all he called me a kid, me, a kid? I felt anger boil inside me because I was so embarrassed. I glared at the back of his blond head, he was a bigger ass than Ash.

My head turned at the sound of heels clicking against the wooden floor. I watched Ms Eloise rush in through the class door along with Felix. I felt a smile tug at my lips at the sight of the fluffy guy. I loved cats, their eyes fascinated me and the killer streak in them made them all that more appealing.

"I'm sorry I'm late, had an emergency." Ms Eloise's eyes were locked with Ash's and he nodded slowly, something wasn't right here. 

"Are you going to share? Or is this an Ash only thing?" I stated politely.

Every ones eyes turned on me but I kept my own pointed towards Ms Eloise. She didn't appear angry but I could see something flash across her eyes, annoyance maybe? You could tell she didn't like people meddling in her business.

"I'm sorry Arabella, but this information isn't for sharing right now." Her tone was polite but firm. I took the hint and although I wanted to continue provoking her something told me to shut up. Then I found that something. Ash was glaring at me across the room and I realized it was him talking to my head again. The glare I returned was just as icy as his had been. Who did he think he was telling me to shut up? My eyes returned to him once again, all my anger boiled up and then something inside me exploded. That's when I noticed Ash's sleeve had caught fire. I laughed loudly when he did this little dance to try and put it out. Then his eyes found mine, I could see the anger in them and felt it too.

"That was you!" He pointed an accusing finger towards me. I laughed again at the thought of me setting him on fire and then I realized maybe he was being serious. I had wanted to make him explode?

"Arabella!" Ms Eloise also looked angry and that's when I began to believe that maybe Ash was right.

"I highly doubt that was me! I mean I don't even know what kind of power I even have."

My eyes searched their faces for any sign of humor, but I just received icy glares and what looked like jealousy from Ash, which caused me more confusion.

"Looks like you're pretty powerful after all." My eyes shot towards Foxy, her smile caused my anger to flare up again. Maybe I could use my new power to actually set that head of hair on fire.

"Ash, you must teach Arabella how to control her power. I sense a fire could erupt at any moment." Ms Eloise stared between me and Foxy and when her comment registered in my brain I turned my anger towards her.

"Excuse me! Me and Ash 'I'm so hot I can put things on fire' Knightly?" I almost screeched with objection.

"Its settled Arabella. For the next few weeks your Agriculture classes will be focusing on how to control that temper of yours." 

I stared at her in disbelief but she had made it quite clear who was in charge here. But hey, when was I the kind of girl that did what people said?

"You can stick your temper lessons. I'm quite happy to roam this place torching teachers and desks. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I will no longer require your services." Before any of them could react. I bowed graciously and disappeared leaving a cloud of black behind me.


A/N Hey guys I know I haven't updated in a while but I really do need to know if this story is worth any more time, please pleassse let me know what you think! 

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