The teenage dramas of shopping

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I scrunched my nose with clear disgust. 

"I'm not wearing that." I couldn't stare at the pink floral dress any longer. Did Shelby actually think I would wear that to the Masquerade ball? Yes that's right this school was actually kind of fun. They held an annual Masquerade in the gym. Apparently the event was huge and the whole gym was designed into the perfect dance scene. 

"It goes amazing with your hair though and I even have a pink mask to match!" Shelby was so persistent, at times she was worse than me.

I laughed "Don't make me gag. I'll just go find my own dress." I stood up and grabbed my purse, unzipping it searching for the money I had saved for myself over the years. 

" know you're not aloud leave campus unless you have permission." Shelby's voice was hesitant but firm. 

"Oh Shelbs, you don't need permission when you're a Shadow." I grinned wickedly before snatching her hand and Shadowing to the first alleyway I remembered in town on the drive here. Cool air hit my face when we reached our destination. I still wasn't used to the feeling  of Shadowing and felt a bit queasy. I looked over at Shelby who looked like she was about to throw up. Then I looked around, we were in the middle of an alley way. Thankfully we were unnoticed because of the dark. But I still felt eyes on me, a presence I couldn't see. I smiled weakly at Shelby.

"Sorry I forgot to warn you." She glared at me from the ground, she was crouched over panting like a dog. 

"What the hell Arabella! If we get caught out here we could get suspended! And what have I told you about asking politely in future! I feel like I'm in a Harry Potter movie." She started to pant again. I didn't realize how dramatic the experience would be for a normal human. I guess it wasn't so bad for me because I was an actual Shadow. 

"I'm sorry, come on we should get out of here." I reached down to help her, but she stood up and brushed past me. I me to rolled my eyes. 

We found our way out to the streets and I felt uncomfortable with the amount of people around us. I avoided there gazes and stared at the shops and bulletins instead. Shelby started towards a small blue shop with dresses advertised on the windows. Each mannequin was slim, all wearing colorful accessories and rainbow colored wigs. I decided it was best to not speak so I just followed behind her hoping my silence would help calm her down. Once inside the shop I was frozen in place. The dresses were all beautiful. There was every kind in here, from long to short to Shelby short. I reached my hand out and touched the colored fabric, it was so soft I just wanted to take them all home with me. Not the pink ones though, they can stay here and burn.

I had been here at least 15 minutes now and I still hadn't found a dress that felt right. Shelby seemed to still be in a huff so I let her do her own exploring. I sighed to myself, who knew dress shopping was so tough? 

"Arabella come here! Look!"

I followed Shelby's voice and found her grinning at something. I walked around her and stared at whatever it was she was looking at. "That's..." I was lost for words. The dress was short but not too short, it was a blood red with a simple black bow around the waist. The skirt was all scrunched at the bottom, giving the upper part a slim affect. It was perfect. 

"That will look sexy on you Ara." Shelby winked at me and we both laughed. While Shelby and I were celebrating, a tall girl with purple and red hair snatched the dress off the rack.

"Oh sorry that dress is already taken." I smiled at the girl and went to grab the dress but she retreated backwards, hiding the dress behind her back.

"You snooze you lose."  She laughed in my face, her breath stinking of smoke.

Who does this bitch think she is? She had piercings all over her face with tattoos everywhere. That dress would not do her any justice.

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