Nightmares are Real Part 2

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Arabella's P.O.V

"She's not ready to see him yet. If he sees her like this-"

"Like what? We have her! We have to hand her over!"

I heard voices, distant voices, in the back of my mind. I think it was Logan but the other voice was different, it sounded like nails being dragged along a blackboard, I gritted my teeth. I bit back a scream when I tried to move, I was tied to a chair, and moving only resulted in complete agony. What had Logan done to me?

"She's waking, I can hear her." The ear splitting voice said.

I raised my head as Logan walked into the room. It wasn't much of a room but more of a basement. The walls were slick with water that was leaking from overhead pipes. The floor looked slimey and I was hoping Logan would slip and break his ass but sadly he was standing over me with that same dead look on his face. Like he was emotionless.

"Where's your friend?" I asked, "I wanna high five him. He has some hearing." I whistled loudly. Logan remained still but he narrowed his eyes.

"You're going to be here for a long time Arabella, we should learn to get along you and I."

Was there a hint of hope in his voice? I laughed, it sounded detached, like it wasn't me laughing but some stranger who had taken control of my body.

"You know Logan, I don't know if it was hitting me over the head-which still aches you asshole-or if it was pretending to be my friend and pretending to understand me but there is no putting this right. I hate you."

He flinched. I grinned.

"Tying me to a chair that doesn't allow me to Shadow wow, get more original already."

Logan glared at me but remained where he was. I wanted him to react but no matter how much I pushed him, he did nothing. Maybe I wanted him to lash out, so I knew he was truly horrible and there was no saving him. But the more he stood there looking at me like he was conflicted, I grew uneasy and unsure.

"Shut her up."

I looked up at our new acquaintance. Gravel voice himself! In the flesh, literally. He was some kind of monster. He had teeth like a snake, while his eyes glistened red and black. His body appeared to be human..well a human on steroids that is, this guy was huge. I knew I should've been afraid but I wasn't, because neither Logan or this giant looking snakeman were my fear. And by the sounds of it, I wasn't seeing my father for a while.

Logan stood in front of me and blocked my vision of the man with the snake like teeth. "You've hurt her enough."

Ah. So that explains the bruises. I don't even remember this guy beating me up? Logan looked behind him but I looked away. "You tried to knock him out earlier when you woke up. You don't remember because he bit you and nearly killed you."

"He bit me? Kinky."

Logan shook his head at me and I just shrugged and mouthed, "What?"

"Shouldn't you be torching this whole place? Or using all the power in that tiny body of yours to escape?"

I raised one eyebrow and Snakeman, yes I'm going to call him that, even though I couldn't see him. "Well, considering I haven't controlled half of the power I do have, and haven't discovered half of the power I don't have, I'm pretty much useless until one of you idiots unties me."

I really thought, or even hoped, that my insult would get a reaction, but the room remained very very quiet for a few moments.

"I told you." Logan said to Snakeman.

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