It's not teleporting, it's moving with the Shadows, idiot

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Shelby's curious eyes watched me from across the room. I had been pacing for nearly an hour and I was sure she was a little worried about me. So was I.

"You want to talk about it?" She asked kindly. As usual it was so hard to dislike this girl.

"That Ash guy...he's an ass. His name even sounds like it to prove it." I snap back, hatred building up inside me.

Shelby let out a very girly giggle and rolled off her bed in a very unlady like fashion which caused me to smile slightly.

"Okay, I think you're the only female in this entire school that doesn't love that sex God." She smiled lazily as if she was in some sort of dream.

"Aha! sex God no! More well I can't come up with anything at this moment but all I know is I dislike him beyond reasoning." I pouted causing Shelby to laugh.

"I bet he gave you a compliment and you shooed him away. You know people can be nice." She was serious now.

"Are you saying I'm unable to accept a compliment or are you saying I don't make an effort? Because both of those I do find offensive and you can't give advice on friendship because you don't appear to have any." I snapped back, then felt that stupid pinch of guilt.

"Well I do make the effort that's the difference. I don't snap at people for being nice. Would you rather me ignore you and snap at you for talking to me?" She countered back a little too smugly.

"Yes! You finally understand I don't like you, bravo!" I did a little bow before I hopped on my bed and turned off my lamp showing her this conversation and whatever kind of friendship we had was done.


 It was a lot more bright waking up to my second morning in Chance Academy. My eyes were still heavy from my sleepless night and my brain was still reminding me of how stupid I was for being cruel to the one girl who was nice to me. Speaking of Shelby, I looked over to her bed and there was nothing there but a slightly tossed bed cover. My eyes darted towards my clock.

8:42.....Damn! I have only 18 minutes.

I shot straight out of bed, finding causal jeans and a blue hoodie. Yes I loved hoodies, and slipped on my black converse. I had a shower after my run in with Mr. 'I'm such an awesome Shadow' yesterday, so my hair was shining against the gleaming sun. I checked the clock again and I had 5 minutes to get to class, I could do that. So I jogged towards the direction of Math.

I could still feel the stares as I opened up my locker. Could they get over that already? I glared at the eyes that caught mine but then they softened slightly as I caught sight of my favorite little animal. I knelt down and petted Felix. He once again purred in response and rubbed off my hands waiting for more.

"I gotta get to class little buddy." I rubbed his tiny head and turned away and trudged towards room 189....Math class.

Upon opening the door, I received a slap in the face. Well not literately but Shelby was seated next to a tall brunette just three tables away, but that shouldn't have bothered me. I was the one who was a bitch, I was the mean one.

"Ah Miss Mortem please be seated next to Abigail." Mr. Carey's strong voice made me jump, resulting in a few students laughing. I glared at them hoping to silence them but decided to just sit next to the red headed girl, Abigail. She looked familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Hey." She smiled a cheeky grin, then I suddenly remembered her.

She was Ash's little lap dog. The one that said to go talk to Ms. Eloise. I didn't like her.

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