The Grim Reaper's Daughter

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Hey guys! I just got this random idea and I had to write about it! I thought it was good but I would rather you let me know! So pretty please do! Thanks guys!:)

Sorry for any spelling mistakes! :D

I didn't always feel this confused but the older I got the worse I seemed to feel. I hated myself because I obviously wasn't good enough for my mother or father's affections, they didn't give me a chance in life either. The first chance they got they dumped me outside the doorstep of a very high regarded orphanage that took me in without hesitation, or so I'm told, but I never fit in.

I was called 'the bad one'. It seemed poking and teasing children when you're three years old wasn't acceptable and I was once again shipped off to a different hellhole. It was extraordinary how being bad got you noticed, it became fun and addictive for me but deep down I knew I was different.

So I stand here now, waiting to be put somewhere new and exciting. They all try to explain how much better this place will be for me but it's the same talk they all give and soon enough I'll be moving again, but what to do to be moved this time? A wide grin spread across my face, now that's the exciting part.

"Arabella Mortem?"

I don't make eye contact with the frosty voiced woman, but she does lead me to my new room. Everything is different this time. Instead of being dumped on an unfortunate foster family or shelter, I'm in a rather too high standard school that I know I won't like just by the smell of lavender around the expensive place.

"You should settle in well, if not do try and make an effort with the other students because right now you don't look approachable." She made a face at me, "Also please get your timetable for classes in the morning, we are very strict here miss Mortem. That is all."

With a wave of her boney hand she dismissed me and shut the door. I didn't like her or this stupid place, but she was right about one thing, I didn't look approachable with my jet black hair ending at the bottom of my lower back. It was curly and wild just how I liked it. And my almost too light blue eyes, they were my favorite feature. They were both angry and fascinating at the same time. Most people would find me different and it scared them away, but I was used to that.

I examined the space around me. Although the room was large and the interior was interesting, I couldn't help but find it too dull for my liking. There were two four poster beds standing in front of me with thousands of pillows hugging the blanket. I didn't understand the point of those pillows, they were totally going into the closet. The walls were a bright yellow and blue and the carpet was so soft I would rather sleep on it than that weird contraption of a bed. The windows were huge and I immediately felt exposed to the students here. I didn't like or get on with people.

I was thirsty. I hope there's some water or something. My eyes caught a mini fridge and I leaped toward it.

"Bingo!" I whispered.

I took the cold beverage in my hand and chugged it until there wasn't a drop left. I was relieved for maybe the third time in my whole life. Just then the door burst open revealing two suit cases and a tiny human being behind them. She was clearly struggling, but the question was, what was she doing here? My eyes shot towards the second bed and my mind told me it was hers. I sighed clearly annoyed by her presence. When she dumped the brown weird looking suitcases on her bed, she looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks for the help." She was still smiling nicely.

"You're welcome." Yes I noticed the sarcasm. I plopped on my bed and stuck in my earphones blaring my Ipod clearly showing her I didn't want to be involved in a conversation. I wonder how would I show her I never want to be involved a conversation? Kill her maybe? Then I just laughed to myself and let the strangers eyes wonder over to stare at me weirdly.

She wouldn't understand me, no one does so it's better this way instead of making friendships you can't keep and getting hurt. I learned that if you distance yourself from people you won't get hurt, and it's been working fantastically for me for the last seventeen years.

A slight tap on the shoulder had me in a sitting position and my eyes wide staring at my roommate.

"Problem?" I asked clearly annoyed. Her voice was just a whisper.

"You're my roommate, I think it would only be appropriate to introduce ourselves."

I laughed at her attempt at friendship, this girl was pathetic and weak in my eyes. Then again, everything was.

"I'm Shelby and you are?" She motioned for me to go on.

"Arabella." I muttered.

"Arabella? Wow such a peculiar name, I like it." She smiled at me and I couldn't help but feel a little bad for my hostility towards her.

"Thanks." It was barley a whisper but it was something I never did.

"So where are you from?" 

That's when my friendliness disappeared and was replaced with an icy glare.

"No where you know." I gritted my teeth. I couldn't stand talking about my life it was just this painful reminder of what happened over the years.

"Okay chill, we'll leave it at that for now." She smiled again and made her way back to her suitcases. I lay there staring at the ceiling before I notice the wet drop slowly making its way towards my mouth. I caught it with my finger before the salty tear made it and watched it glisten there. I sniffled quickly and hit my Ipod to start up a new song. I wish you could start life back up with a button but that would just be weak, and that was something I never wanted to be.

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