Are they dating?

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"I will blow your alarm clock up if you don't turn it off!"

Shelby groaned loudly, her blond tangles of hair appearing above her blanket. She turned off the annoying buzz and I relaxed back into my pillow. Then I realized it was Monday.

"Shelbs get up!" She didn't reply so I walked towards her bed and poked her in the eye.

"What the hell Arabella!" She hissed from beneath the covers.

"Its Monday you know what that means, go get ready for class." I poked her one more time before heading towards the bathroom. I turned on the shower and quickly stripped down to nothing. I lavished in the heat of the water and the feel of it on my skin. I washed my hair and conditioned it before hopping out and choosing my outfit for today.

Shelby trudged past me into the shower. I decided to leave my hair dry naturally and pulled on a pair of dark blue skinnies and a black tee, of course I matched all that with a light grey hoodie and my black converse.

"See you in Bio Hastings!" I called and she shouted a reply but it was muffled by the water coming from the shower.

I hadn't seen anyone other than Shelby and Ms. Eloise since Friday. I spent most of my Saturday in Ms. Eloise's office explaining everything what had happened. Apparently it was impossible for other Shadows to get into the school and worse than that, Ms. Eloise wouldn't tell me anything. 

I had English with Mr. Carey first thing. Ash and Foxy were in that class too. At the thought of Ash's name my stomach tightened. I had been thinking about him and Abigail all weekend..were they a thing now? Did he even like her? I ignored these questions and thought of Ethan instead. I smiled remembering our kiss..I wonder what it would feel like to kiss Ash Knightly..

"Shut up brain!"

"Talking to yourself now?" I shut my eyes and mentally slapped myself for saying that out loud. I turned to face Ash with a cool expression on my face, yes Arabella show him you're not embarrassed, and smiled.

"Sometimes I need expert advice."

A smile played at the corner of his mouth."You should come see me then."

"I don't think Abigail would like that." I mentally slapped myself again. I'm making it sound like I care which clearly I don't...right?

His eyes gleamed with amusement. "Since when do you care what Abigail thinks?" I laughed at that.

"Oh I don't but you seem to." Mental slap number three.

"What do you really want to know here?" He was trying his best not to smile. He knew I wanted to know if they were dating, so why was he allowing me to make an idiot out of myself.

I opened my mouth to ask but clamped it shut when I felt a hand snake around my waist. Ash's eyes hardened, all playfulness gone.

"Ethan." Ash nodded at him before turning around and leaving.

I turned around to face Ethan so I could lay my head on his chest.

"Miss me?" He grinned down at me. I nodded against his chest, a small smile on my lips. I liked Ethan, there was something about him that just made me feel comfortable and happy. Our embrace came to an end when the bell rang. He told me to come find him at lunch and he kissed me softly on lips before leaving.

"You're late Miss Mortem." Mr Carey shot me a disapproving look.

"By a minute jeez Mr Carey calm down you're balding enough as it is."

The whole class erupted into laughter and Mr Carey's face turned bright red, his hand rubbing what was left of his hair consciously.

"Sit down before I give you detention!" I did as I was told but along the way students outstretched their hands for a high five which I gladly returned. Ash sent me a smile and Foxy just glared. Score 1 for Arabella zero for Foxy.

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