The Repercussions of the Choices we may make Suck

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I stared at the slightly ripped calendar tacked to the wall in my room. My birthday was exactly two weeks away, and that meant I had exactly two weeks to make my choice.

The 19th of December seemed to be glaring at me, I shifted uncomfortably on both feet not able to take my eyes away from the impending date. Although I knew I wanted to be a good Shadow, another part of me was secretly craving the powers that came with being a dark Shadow. I hated that part of myself.

Then there was Ash and Logan.

All this thinking made me reach out and snatch the tattered calendar, with little strength required, I ripped it into tiny little pieces.

"I can't do this." I whispered to myself as I sat on the ground beside the scattered bits of paper.

I hadn't talked to Logan or Ash these past few days. The closer it got to my birthday, the more I was freaking out about everything. I knew my father was planning something, there was no way he would let me make this choice myself, and that only made things so much harder.

"What did that calendar ever do to you?" Shelby had slipped into our room unbeknownst to me. When I heard her voice, I suddenly felt very silly for attacking the calendar.

I stared at the mess I made and tried to smile. "Trust me when I say it was asking for it." Then my eyes narrowed when I noticed two steaming cups in Shelby's petite hands. "Please tell you came baring hot chocolate?"

Shelby grinned and handed me the cup of hot chocolate. I breathed in the scent of milky chocolate, and smiled when I saw the mini marshmallows floating around the top of the hot chocolate, swimming in a large amount of fresh cream.

"You're the best." I told Shelby between slurps.

"I know." She beamed as she sat down beside me. "Also clean that mess up." She ordered after a taste of her own hot chocolate.

I sighed and placed the cup on my nightstand. "Yes mom."

I rolled my eyes when Shelby laughed, but really I was so proud Shelby had finally stopped letting people walk all over her. She was still the nicest person in this place, but now she had a bit of back bone, and I'm going to give myself a bit of credit for that one.

"Nick was asking about you." I informed Shelby as I cleaned up my mess.

Her head snapped in my direction, but a second later, she shrugged her shoulders like it was no big deal.

Shelby was still refusing to talk to Nick, and shockingly enough Nick had actually tried to talk to her, but of course she ignored his existence. So I was stuck with a best friend in denial about her feelings, and a sulking ex-womanizer. Yes people, Nick hadn't been paying attention to any skinny, big boobed girls lately, let's all give him a round of applause.

"What did he say?" She finally asked a few moments later, staring into her mug.

"How you were and if you were, and I quote, 'Still hating on him.'"

Shelby raised her eyebrows but went quiet again. I continued to stare at her, hands on hips.

"What?" She barked when she caught my patronizing glance.

"Make up with him."

Shelby scoffed. "Hell no."

Damn this girl was getting more and more like me everyday, I really was a pain in the ass. The only difference still was that Shelby still loved her pink bright clothes, and pretty accessories.

"I'm not talking to either of you two until this is sorted out." I hmphed, and Shelby gave me this shocked look, like I was betraying her.

"What?" She spluttered. "That's not fair!"

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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