Chapter 3

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(Ashley's point of view)

"I thought you chose me?" Rocky repeated himself.

Ross looked shocked. "You chose him?"

"I thought you just told me she chose you?" Rocky turned to Ross.

"So which ones true?" Riker asked from behind me. "It can't be both, and obviously you didn't even think of choosing me."

I looked back and forth between Riker, and Ross and Rocky. What just happened? "Can we all just slow down? What did I just walk in on?"

"Ross said you picked him, but you told me you chose me." Rocky answered.

"Ross, why would you say that? Were you trying to start a fight?"

Ross handed Rory to Stormie. "So you aren't going to deny choosing Rocky over me?"

"What about me?" Riker asked. "You chose him over me too. He's not even a father!"

"This is why I didn't want to tell anyone!" I took Rose from Rocky's arms. "See what this brings? Look what this has caused." I turned to Stormie and took Rory out of her arms and into my other arm. "And I heard what you were saying about me." I gave Stormie the cold shoulder. "If you guys are gonna leave, just go. I can't deal with this right now. If I have to, I will do this alone. Obviously that's where this is heading."

"Ashley, wait." Ross called, but I was heading up the stairs back to my room.

In my room, I laid the twins back in their cribs and locked my door. I knew this was gonna be like this. I should have went with what was best for the twins, not me. I knew my shot in the dark wouldn't have worked out.


(Riker's point of view)

"What the hell's wrong with you?" I shoved Ross backwards into the fridge. "Look what you've just caused!"

"I caused?" He pushed me back. "It's not like you made it any better!"

"Boys!" Mom yelled. "Enough!"

Rocky turned to mom. "This is your fault too. She heard what you said about her. How are you gonna like it when she doesn't want any of us and you never see your grandchildren?"

"It's not like you aren't to blame too!" I went up behind Rocky. "What did you do to make her choose you?"

"That's not what's important right now." He turned to face me. "What's important is that she's mad at all of us and wants us all gone."

I hadn't thought of that. "Do you really think she wants us to leave?" I whispered.

"She's probably just upset." Ross ran his hands through his hair. "Someone needs to talk to her."

"It's obviously not gonna be Rocky." I huffed. "And I think moms out."

"Why can't it be me?" Rocky objected.

"She picked you. You already have a lead over us."

"She was with Ross first! Maybe I should go and you two should stay here."

"I don't trust Riker to go." Ross cut in. "Knowing him, he'll get her pregnant again."

"Very funny." I rolled my eyes. "I think it would be best if I went though. She told me she thinks I understand her the best."

"Why do you say that?" Mom asked.

"I'm the only one that understood her decision to keep who she chose a secret." I looked away. "Now I see why."

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