Chapter 9

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(Ashley's point of view)

The front door opened right before our lips connected. Ryland pulled back instantly.

"Ashley?" Mom said from the doorway. "What in the hell happened to your face?" She looked at Ryland. "Did he do this to you?"

"No, mom." I stopped her. "He was helping me take care of it."

"Where's Riker?"

"He's asleep on the couch."

"Asleep? It's only four in the afternoon. Why is he asleep?"

"He was beaten up today. And the same person who attacked him, also attacked me."

"Did you go to the police? Who did this to you?" She was panicking.

"No. We didn't go go the police."

"Why not? I'm calling them right now."

I grabbed her cell phone. "Because it was Jacob. He was hurting me and Riker tried to stop him. Jacob ended up hurting Riker and hitting me. I cleaned up Riker and kept ice on my face while Ryland helped with the twins."

She looked around the corner to find Riker passed out on the couch. "Is he ok? Maybe he should go to the hospital."

"He said he didn't want to go. I was just gonna let him sleep for a while and see if he felt better later."

"Your face is so swollen." Her attention returned to me. "How hard did he hit you?"

"Hard enough to knock me on my ass and do this to my face."

Ryland snorted behind me. He was trying to keep back a laugh. "The swelling has actually gone down quite a bit. It was a lot more red and puffy twenty minutes ago."

"What happened to the shirt you were wearing today? The new white one I just bought you?" She looked at my baggy shirt.

"It was kind of covered in Riker's blood. I think I left it sitting on the bathroom floor." I felt bad that my new shirt was ruined.

"I still think we should go to the police over this."

"It's fine. The babies weren't hurt and neither of us are in the hospital. I know Jacob. He'll stay away for a little while until things cool off. He will know I don't want to talk to him after what he did."

"Rose and Rory were with you?" She almost screamed.

"Riker wasn't gonna just leave them home alone while he picked me up."

"Why was he picking you up? Why didn't you take yourself?"

"He wanted to tell Jacob to stay away from me. Then the end of the day rolled around and the fight occurred."

"This right here is something that can blow your chances of moving."

"This right here is why moving away is better. Jacob isn't in California." At least not yet.

She rolled her eyes at me. "Why do you always have a good point when we argue?"

I smiled. "I fight for what I want."

"Whatever." She fled to her room to lay down. I knew I just gave her a headache.

"Remind me to never get in a fight with you." Ryland said from behind me.

"Sorry. I forgot you were still here." I said, awkwardly remembering our almost kiss.

"I guess I should get going." He moved past me to the door. "Tell Riker to call me when he's up."

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