Chapter 35

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I leaned in and rested my head on Blake's shoulder. He was such a great friend. I was actually happy that I got lost and he found me.

"There you are!" Riker said, charging into the room. I was still leaning up against Blake. "What are you guys doing?" He slowed, but looked angry.

"Just talking." Blake answered.

"I see Ross got you a shirt." Riker watched us closely.

I looked over to see Blake wearing a black t-shirt. I hadn't even noticed.

"Yeah. I should probably get going though." I sat up so he could stand.

"We didn't even eat." Riker argued.

"I think I've made enough of a mess."

"It wasn't your fault." I touched Blake's arm. "But if you really want to leave, no one will stop you."

Blake looked over at me, then sighed. "Ok, I'll stay."

"Really?" My mood brightened.


Riker was still watching us. "Then I guess we should go eat."

I led the way while Blake and Riker followed behind. It made me happy that Blake actually wanted to stay for me, even though he knew he would have to deal with Rocky.

"There you are." Ross met me at the bottom of the stairs.

"Sorry I left dinner. I just needed a break." I looked away.

"It's alright." He took my hand. "Everyone is settled down now. We can eat dinner."

I smiled and made my way back to the dining room. Rocky watched me the whole time, but I didn't look at him. Blake sat down beside me again and Rydel started passing around the spaghetti bowl again.

The rest of the diner went well. Riker, Rydel, and Ratliff made small talk with Blake. Ross would occasionally join in the conversation, but Rocky sat silently the whole evening.

Eventually it was time for Blake to go. He said goodbye to everyone, but yet again Rocky ignored him. I walked Blake to the door.

"I'm sorry about Rocky. I told you, he has some trust issues." I opened the front door.

"It probably didn't help that I went up to your room with you." Blake laughed.

"At least you cared enough to follow me. That's the second time now, right?"

Blake gave me a look. "You know they care about you. I'm sure if I wouldn't have, someone else would have."

I shrugged. "I guess you're right."

He touched my cheek. "I have to go now, but I'll see you soon."

I held his hand to my face. "I'm counting on that."

He pulled away and I closed the door. I was going to go upstairs, but when I turned around, Rocky was waiting.

"You two seem to be getting very close." Rocky was leaning up against the wall.

"What's that I hear?" I held my hand to my ear. "That doesn't sound like trust to me." I rolled my eyes and pushed past him. He followed.

"You know exactly why I'm saying this." He was on my heels the whole way up the stairs. "He was beside you the whole time, he followed you upstairs, and I saw how close you two were at the front door."

"So now you're stalking me?" I turned to him at the top of the stairs.

He moved closer. "Stalking and watching are two different things."

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