Chapter 17

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(Rocky's point of view)

When I turned around to talk to Ashely, she was gone. I ignored her. I shouldn't have, but I did. I should have talked to her about it. I wanted this too. Her apology was touching, she was so sincere, and I ignored her.

I got up and kicked the chair I was sitting on. It hit the wall and one of the legs broke off. I quickly ran into the house to apologize. I didn't want this to be over.

I ran up to my room and threw open the door. No one was in there. The baby cribs weren't even in there anymore.

What have I done?

Leaving my room, I ran into Rydel.

"What's the rush?" She asked, pushing me off of her.

"I'm looking for Ashley. Do you know where she is?" I tried looking past her into her room.

"I think I saw Ross carrying the baby cribs to his room. I don't know why. She must be staying in his room now." She crossed her arms.

"Rydel, I think I messed up." I ran my hands through my hair.

"What did you do?" Her voice became soft.

"I didn't tell Ashley I still wanted to fight for us. I think she moved on. She said she was done and I didn't stop her. What if I messed this up?"

"It seems like you got what you wanted. You didn't accept her apology, you ignored her, and you didn't tell her you wanted to fight for her. My hopes would be shot down too. All you can do now is hope she accepts your apology."

"Thanks for the help." I tried pushing past her, but she grabbed my arm.

"That's all she wanted. She wanted to hear you say you would fight for her. You ignored her and broke her heart. It's your job to pick up the pieces."

I ran down the stairs to Ross's bedroom and started pounding on the door.

"What do you need?" Ross asked, opening the door.

"I need to talk to Ashley." I tried looking behind him.

"She's in the bathroom."

"I can wait."

"Did you hear the good news?"

I gave him a confused look. "What good news?"

"Ashley and I are thinking about getting back together!"

"What?" I was shocked.

"Yeah. She said now that she's here full time, we can focus on us."

I blew it. "She said that?"

"She sure did. We were thinking about going out to celebrate." The bathroom door opened. "Rocky wants to talk to you!" He called.

"Actually." I stopped him. "I forgot what I was going to say." I turned away from him and went back up the stairs to my room.

I slammed my bedroom door and climbed the ladder to my bed. I didn't want to talk to anyone. Ashley really did move on.

There was a soft knock on my door.

"Hey, Rocky?" Riker yelled. "Can I come in?"

"I'd rather not talk to anyone right now." I said loudly.

He opened the door. "Where are the cribs?"

"They're in Ross's room. Ashley's staying in there now." I rolled over.


"She doesn't want to talk to me anymore. Her and Ross are getting back together anyway."

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