Chapter 27

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I allowed Blake to lead me to the side of the cliff.

"You ready to climb?" He smiled, letting go of my hand.

"Climb?" I scoffed. "Funny. Isn't there like, an elevator?"

"Come on." He laughed. "Be adventurous."

"Isn't there another way up?"

"Nope. You told me you would come up here with me. You can't take it back now."

"I can't climb it." I whispered.

"It's not hard." He turned to me.

"I have a few broken ribs. I really can't climb it."

He took my hand. "How about you go first and I'll help you? I'll stay right underneath you so if you fall, you can land on me."

"I don't know if I can pull myself up."

"Then I'll push you up. It's not that high, and, is not straight up. It's at an angle."

"You promise you'll catch me?"

He laughed. "No worries, babe."

I blushed at him calling me babe. I shouldn't have been doing this with a strange boy. I should be going home to my boyfriend and to my kids. Something about him made me forget about everything. I turned from him and started climbing.

"There you go!" He had his hands on my hips.

I made it halfway up when my hand slipped. The rock fell to the ground and I clung to another one.

"Are you ok?" Blake asked from underneath me.

"I don't know if I can keep going." I was terrified of falling.

I felt his hand on my butt. "I got you. Keep going."

I nodded and let him push me up to another rock.

At the top of the rock ledge, I swung a leg up and rolled onto the grass. Blake pushed himself up and sat beside me.

"It's beautiful up here." He breathed.

"I was too focused on living to look." I rolled onto my side. He was right. The view was breathtaking.

"I knew you could make it." He smiled.

"How did you know? I almost fell."

He shrugged. "You seem like a strong person."

"What makes you say that?"

"You just decided to climb the side of a cliff with broken ribs. By the way, how did you break your ribs?"

I looked away. "I fell down the stairs."

He gave me an unconvinced look. "Sure."

"So what were you planing on doing up here anyway?" I tried to get him off the topic.

He smiled. "I believe you were going to set your shorts in the sun to dry."

"And we had to come clear up here?"

"It's more fun that way. More, private." He gave me a seductive look.

I brought myself to my feet and unbuttoned my shorts. He watched me slowly pull them down and lay them out. I was left in black lacy underwear with a matching bra.

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