Chapter 14

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"You're kidding, right?" Brittany laughed. Her face sobered when she noticed I wasn't laughing along.

"I'm sorry." My lip quivered. "We barely got anywhere. You have to let me explain."

Brittany lunged at me, claws ready to take out my eyes. Riker grabbed her wrists and held her back.

"How could you?" She screeched. "How could you do this to me? How could he do this to me? I can't believe I trusted you. I can't believe I ever called you my friend!" She started sobbing.

I slithered out behind Riker. "You have to let me explain. We barely got anywhere and we stopped. We knew we shouldn't have been doing it so we stopped." It wasn't a complete lie.

"How far did you get? Was it protected?" She was pushing against Riker.

"We got far enough that we needed protection, but that's when we stopped." Again, not a complete lie.

"Where were you when this happened? How did you let this happen?" She turned to Riker.

"I wasn't home. I was out getting formula. Ashley explained it to me and I'm still upset over it, but I forgave her. She swore to me that she would never do that again, especially with Ryland. She was in tears thinking about how to even think of telling you."

"Isn't that great?" She tried running around Riker, but he held tight. "He was out getting formula for your children while you were having sex with my boyfriend."

"This isn't all my fault!" I dared to move closer. "It wasn't a one person decision. He wanted it to."

"So you both wanted it?"

"No! I was the one who wanted to stop it. I don't think Ryland wanted it that badly either. You know how boys work. They think with their body's, not their brains."

Riker looked back at me. "Hey!"

"Hey what? Do you not recall what happened after that incident?"

He smirked. "How could I forget that?"

Brittany broke down into a sobbing mess onto the floor.

"I'm sorry, Brittany." I crouched beside her. "You have every right to hate me and never want to talk to me again. I just don't want you to break up with Ryland over this. It was a one time mistake, I've made quite a few of those, but it's obvious how much he loves you." I moved away from her before she got a chance to lash out at me again.

"I just need some time to think this over by myself." She said between waves of tears.

I nodded to Riker who helped her up and to her room. Before I started crying, I left and went to my car. I had a feeling that I just ruined everything I had with my closest friend. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts, I hadn't notice Riker come up to my window and knock.

"She's not too happy with you." He opened my door. "She'll survive though. She said she was gonna call Ryland and talk to him about it, then she would call me because she doesn't really want to talk to you right now."

"I completely understand." I wiped my eyes, trying not to smear my makeup. "I'll meet you at home."

He stepped back from the car as I pulled away. I watched in my rearview mirror. Riker just stood in the middle of the road. I turned down another street and he never moved.


I got home to find my mom playing with Rose and Rory on the living room floor.

"Why are you back so early? I thought you were going to a party with Brittany?" She stopped me.

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