Chapter 24

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(Rocky's point of view)

Was it possible that Rose was my child? She couldn't have been. The DNA tests came back and said she was Riker's kid. Could the tests have been mixed up? How could I even tell anyone what I thought? They would all think I was crazy or jealous.

I had to push the thought out of my head. I couldn't just assume that Rose was really mine. I would have to get another DNA test to prove it. What if it came back the same? I probably wasn't her father and would look really stupid trying to make myself look like I was.

But what if I was her father? She would have been mine for months now and I would have never known. What would Riker say? He obviously wouldn't be happy about it. Maybe if Rose was mine, Ashley would elope with me.

I never admitted it, but I wanted one of those kids to be mine. Actually, it would have been even better if both were mine. Ashley and I could be together once and for all. There would be no more difficulties. My only concern would be what Ashley did around the other guys. We could be married though and she would stop for me.

I had to get another test. I had to figure it out. I had to know the truth.


(Ashley's point of view)

I held Rory for way too long. My ribs felt like they were on fire. I was bringing him back up to his crib when Rocky flew down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" I asked, trying to adjust Rory in my arms so he wasn't killing me.

"I just have to go out." He answered, throwing his jacket on.

"Is Rose still in her crib?"

"Yeah. I just put her down. She should be out for a while." He ran out the door.

"Where's he going?" Riker asked walking down the stairs in front of me.

"I don't know." I winced as I moved Rory. "Will you take him? I've been holding him for way too long. I was just going to put him down for a nap."

Riker quickly took him out of my arms. "No problem. You shouldn't have been holding him anyway."

"He's my baby. Of course I'm gonna hold him."

He shrugged. "You'd probably heel faster if you quit bugging your ribs."

"Ok, Mr. Know-It-All, are you a doctor now?" I laughed.

He smirked. "If that's what you want me to be. Of course, I would need you to remove your shirt."

"I'll take off my shirt if you take off yours." I teased.

"Deal. Just let me put Rory down."

I smiled and watched him walk up the stairs. I knew he was gonna hold me to it.

My thoughts fluttered back to Rocky. Where did he go? Why would he just run out like that? Why didn't he talk to me?

I went to the kitchen to get a drink and take some ibuprofen. Thinking about this was giving me a headache.

I had just placed my glass back on the counter when I felt hands on my hips and someone rubbing up against me from behind. I could feel his warmth coming through my shirt. I turned around to find Riker shirtless.

"My shirts off. Your turn." He smirked.

I laughed and rested my hands on his chest. "Even with broken ribs you still want me to please you."

He slid his hands into my back pockets. "I'm sure I could please you too." His lips traveled down my neck and to the collar of my shirt. "Just take it off."

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