Chapter 32

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(Rocky's point of view)

"Rocky?" Ashley called down the stairs. "What's taking so long?"

"Nothing!" I called back. "I'll be up in a second!"

I heard her turn and walk back to my room. I quickly took the package and shoved it underneath the couch cushions. She couldn't know they were in. I was beginning to think she had actually forgotten about it.

Before Ashley had the chance to come looking for me, I grabbed the bottles and headed back upstairs.

"What took you so long?" She took a bottle from my hand for Rose.

"I was talking to Riker." I started feeding Rory.

She looked away. "Was Blake with him?"

"Yes he was." I watched her. "You seem pretty attached to this kid."

Her cheeks became a rosy pink color. "He's just a friend."

"Just a friend that's a guy."

She shot me a look. "He's the only friend I have here that's not related to you."

I shrugged. "You seem to care a lot about this friend."

"What makes you say that? I only asked you if he was with Riker."

"Did you talk to him when he was up here?" I already knew the answer.

"No." She looked back at Rose.

"Oh really?" I stared at her.

"I didn't even know he was up here. I talked to Riker for a little bit. Why?"

"Because Blake told me that he talked to you and you just lied to me and told me that you didn't. Why are you lying?"

"This is why!" She snapped. "Every single time I even mention his name you jump on me about it. I can't even say another guy's name without you freaking out! This is why I haven't told you about Damien."

That caught me. "Who's Damien and why haven't you told me about him?"

"There is no Damien! I just made that up to prove my point. You don't trust me, Rocky. I haven't done anything with another guy other than you since I've been here. You just assume that I'm sleeping around. If you can't trust me, we can't be together." She looked hurt.

"I do trust you."

"No you don't! You can't just lie to me and say that you do. You keep telling me you do then you do stuff like this. You even believed Blake before you believed me. He could have been lying to you and I could have been telling the truth, but you took his side instead." She shook her head. "I can't do this right now, Rocky."

"What do you mean?" I asked quietly.

"I mean I need to rethink this relationship. Obviously this isn't working out." She went past me and to the door.

"Where are you going?" I stopped her.

"Somewhere else to think."

"I thought we promised not to run off anymore."

"I'm not running off. I'm going somewhere to think." She closed the door behind her, taking Rose with her.


(Ashley's point of view)

I made my way to the garage and to Riker.

"Will you finish feeding her?" I asked him, placing her in his arms.

A Shot In The DarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora