Chapter 42: Road Trip

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"In New York."

New York?

"What! You're planning on going to New York?"

"No. Actually, we're planning on going to New York," he smirks.

"You're expecting me to go to New York... with you?"

"Pretty much, because I haven't given you much of a choice, now have I?"

New York, huh?

I was planning on going to see Dr. Bethany Roy anyways, so I guess we're going to New York.

"Ugh - how do you even plan on getting there? We don't even have our passports."

He's probably thought this through.

"Now, now don't go assuming things. I have everything planned. We're going on a road trip."

"New York's on the other side of America! It'll take us two days. Oh my gosh a two day road trip with you?!" He nods. "This is so bad." I groan.

"Princess, bad is an understatement." I take a stressfully big bite out of my cookie. I think going to jail for two years is better then spending two days on the road with Heath and new year's is coming. "Look at the bright side." Heath adds. "You, me, New York, and new years." He smirks. "You could finally get that kiss you've been waiting for in Time Square just as the clock strikes twelve."

"Yeah, no. I'm not desperate and for your information. I have a boyfriend." Heath's expression drops and he clenches his jaw. Jealous much? Comforted by his response I change the subject. "When are we leaving?"

"As soon as possible."

"And where do you expect us to stay 'till then? The goons are still probably lurking."

"Can you please stop being a pessimist for two minutes." He scolds.

"Fine. I'm just worried because from what I recall your baby is still there. And I'm sorry, how could I forget. I mean you're Heath Levers. You have everything in life figured out." I announce louder than needed.

"Will you lower your voice?! I can bet on the fact that the goons don't care if we're in public or not, they'll kill us either way." I gulp.

"Sorry." I mumble. I take another bite out of my cookie and swallow it down with the frappuccino.

"If you're done, can we go?" Heath asks looking around. It started to get dark out. I make slurpy noises from sucking on the straw just to tick him off. He rolls his eyes before he aggressively takes the cup from my hand and throws it into the trash.

"You're such a piss off sometimes." I state as I get up.

"Same goes for you Princess." He states with a sarcastic smile. He gets up and walks towards the exit. I mumble a bunch of profanities as I follow him out.

It was starting to get cold now, and my hair became frizzy due to the amount of running. I decided to keep it down, because I really don't want Heath to see what he left on me. He will never let me live in peace. "So what's the plan?" I ask.

"We're going to go to a car rental place." He states.

"How are you going to rent a car?"

"With the money I gave you." He explains.

"About that..." He stops dead in his tracks.

"Please tell me you grabbed it before you ran." He begs. I make a nervous look. "You didn't?" He sighs. "Ugh!" He groans.

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