3: I've Seen You Before

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"Jeez...3 updates in a day. I should be studying...Haha :) Its alright, this is fun. I hope you guys like Chapter 3!~Rin"

Mirrin's POV

After quickly unpacking my luggage, I took a warm shower in my room which was so comforting because of the cold weather. I slipped on my favourite turquoise and grey hoodie over jeans shorts and quickly dried and brushed my long hair. I wore my favourite bright yellow pikachu socks because it was cold. Finally picking up my phone, I started making my way to the dining room. 

Turning on my phone, I realised I had a whole stream of messages, all  from my only  friend back in LA.

Vernon Poo: "Dude u didnt come to school today? Where r u?"

"Ur coming for grad day right?"

"Omg you're not coming, are you O_O"

"Psshshhhh probably off on another trip somewhere... :(( I cri."

"Gee thx Mimi, leaving me to fend for myself in this jungle of thirsty high school hormone-filled wacko stalker girls."

"K bye."


"Come bak"

 I laughed quietly seeing his messages. I could completely imagine him speaking to me with animated actions. He also sent me a photo of the clay poo he "made" in art class today. Right before I have dinner.

Thanks Vernon. Soooooooo mature. 

"I'm in Seoul. Business trip." I quickly reply.

Almost immediately he replies my message. 

"You're alive!"

We chatted for a while as I found my way to the dining hall. My eyes were on my phone as I crept down the staircase, which was obviously a stupid move. 

Sure enough, I slipped on the last step and my butt hit the floor, phone flying out of my hands. Thank god the floor here was carpet. Feeling pairs of eyes staring at me, it was really awkward. I probably hit my tailbone because it hurt so badly, but I quickly sat up, brushing myself off before Okasan makes another butt comment. 

Surprisingly, she didn't. I looked up and saw why. Other than Okasan and Otosan, and Auntie and Uncle Jeon sitting at one end of the long table, there were five other boys at the table. Two brown haired ones were stifling a laugh, a black haired one snickered, while the other two had rushed towards me looking worried. 

"Are you alright?!" The two boys' handsome faces were way too close and I could feel myself blushing. I quickly stand up and take a step back without taking  either of their hands, outstretched to help me up. 

"I'm alive, it's all good!" I laugh sheepishly, while the adults chuckle at my clumsiness. I also notice how underdressed I am compared to the adults, but the boys seem to be dressing casual too. 

"You should be more careful, Mirrin," Papa says. I bow my head slightly and grin in response.

"Come, darling," Auntie Jeon walks over and guides me over to my chair next to the seats of the five boys, "These are my two sons, Jeon Wonwoo and Jeon Jungkook," she says, gesturing to the black-haired one who snickered and one of the boys who tried to help me up,  "and their friends, Park Jimin, Boo Seungkwan, and Xu Minghao." 

Jungkook and Minghao, the ones who tried to help me, smiled and I greeted them back. They seemed like nice guys. Jimin and Seungkwan quickly stood up from their chairs.

"S-sorry for laughing!" They both exclaim, bowing their heads slightly. 

I smile. "Don't worry, It's a common occurrence. Even I laugh at myself! It's alright to laugh," I say pointedly, returning the not-so-friendly stare I was receiving from the boy who snickered. 

He shrugs and flicks his eyes at my socks judgementally before turning to speak to Uncle Jeon. "Now that everyone's finally here, can we eat?"

"Jeon Wonwoo! Watch your manners!" Uncle Jeon warns.

That one's Wonwoo. Pfft, I don't have to bother with a rude one like you.

I turned and smile at the other boys as dinner was being served. I had so much fun talking to the boys, except for the emo guy who sulked at a corner and one with cotton candy hair who kept smiling as I was talking, but stared at me with an intensity that made it a bit awkward. That one's Minghao. 


Minghao's POV

As she walked down the stairs staring at her phone, even with her long chestnut hair covering her face, I felt a strange feeling. A longing feeling twinged in my chest, and my chest thumped with a frighteningly loud beat. 

And when she slipped I was the first to run up to help her up along with Jungkook, but she backed away and got up by herself. 

That's when I knew it was her. Mirrin. She has that exact same way of talking, laughing, smiling, and doing everything alone. She still would rather help herself up than depend on another. She hasn't changed at all. 

Back then, music brought us together, and music broke us apart. 

"And that's Chp 3! Hope you liked it~


Tied Together (Seventeen Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora