19: That Damned Blue Strip

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"It's really time to forget you and move on.

I think it's time to remove you from my memory.

Goodbye, my cha-sarang.

Goodbye, my first love.

I've fallen in love with a very special girl now."

Slowly pulling off the elastic hairband on his wrist, he stared at the navy blue bandana tied into a knot on it. Slowly easing the knot apart, he held it by the fingers, dangling it over the balcony.

"I hope you're living well." He smiled, blowing the strip of navy fabric into the wind and watching it billow and flutter away in the breeze until it was out of sight, around the corner of the building.

He stared at the turquoise hair tie in his palm and raised his fist to throw it away, but something stopped his arm in the air. Slowly lowering it, he decided not to throw everything away after all.

"Just because I'm moving on doesn't mean I can't live with this memory." He told himself, "Give me luck" He smiled, talking to no one in particular as he slipped the hair tie back on his wrist.


Joshua's POV

I was sitting by my bed next to the open balcony of my room in Wonwoo's house when I heard someone talking to themselves from outside.

"I hope you're living well" the voice said.

But that made me think of Rin, Mirrin, my dongsaeng. Was Dino and I really wrong? Something about Mirrin feels so familiar though, as if I've known her for way longer. I swear, I swear she's just so similar to the Rin I knew. How else could you explain her name, her eyes, her hair, the way she acts, the things she likes?

Back then she didn't play the koto, and I didn't think she'd show that much interest in bandanas, but...that much could change after so many years right? We were all so young back then.

I really want to find my dongsaeng Rin, Dino's sister. I want things to go back to what they used to be, the four of us, innocent, young.

"Just because I'm moving on doesn't mean I can't live with this memory." I heard a male voice say again.

Just who is that that is sounding so heartbroken?

Suddenly a blue strip of fabric fluttered over the side of the corner and flew a few rounds over my balcony. I reached out a hand and felt it curl over my fingers.

I was going to let it go, but it reminded me of something.

I just wasn't sure what.


Mirrin's POV

By the time we got home last night, either no one was awake or they were all out. I sighed in relief, but then I really felt guilty. I think I should talk to Seungcheol and Minghao.

Talk it out, come to a resolution. It's really not good leaving things like that.

And also my newfound feelings that have been erupting inside of me...For Joshua. It's just that the way he treats me makes me feel like a princess, and I..I like it. Every move he makes makes my heart flutter and he's just so gentle.

It's..it's nothing serious right, Mirrin? I asked myself.

You shouldn't get too caught up. You're just here for a holiday. You still have to focus on school, koto.

Tied Together (Seventeen Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें