18: Bandanas and Angels

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Seungcheol's POV

When I woke up in the morning, I immediately felt guilty about what I did to Mirrin. To be honest, I would probably still have done the same if I got to choose again, but I don't want her to feel awkward around me. It doesn't even feel right teasing her right now, and I feel like she's just drifting away from me.

Can't she feel what I feel? It's just so weird, but I can't help this magnetism that draws me to her. It's like she has this personality, this aura, that makes me want to protect her.

I was really quiet in the morning, unlike my usual loud, cheeky self, and all the boys could sense it, I suppose. No one really dared to ask me about it.

Then I saw her running down the stairs. I was about to take a few steps towards her but I saw those eyes of hers. Did Minghao do something to her?

She was his first love.

Or was it me? Was it what I did to her?

"Ey, Coups hyung," Joshua greeted brightly as he joined us, completely oblivious to the dull atmosphere, "Morning!"

"Morning Jisoo-ah" I replied half heartedly; he's not supposed to know I saw them last night, but I just can't wipe that image out of my mind.

"Was that Rin just running out?"

I look at him stunned for a moment, "O-eoh. Yeah," and then I remember how she was smiling with him last night.

I need to go after her. I don't want her to just slip away from me like that.

"Guys, I have to go," I announced to the boys.

"Eh? Hyung, where? Don't we have practice?" Dino asked innocently, while Jeonghan and Wonwoo stared at me.

"Umm..I need to...uhh..I'm going to-"

"I gotta go somewhere too," Joshua smiled hurriedly, a guitar already slung over his shoulders as he made his way towards the door.

Where's HE going?

"Eyyy Joshua hyung, you too? But you're going practice right? Wait for us!" Seokmin yelled.

"Not really" he hummed.

"DAATEE??" Seungkwan screamed dramatically. Several heads snapped to Joshua curiously.

That diva boo. It's so obvious Joshua has something for Mirrin. Why would he be going on a date with someone else? He wouldn't-

Joshua turned back and smiled ever so shyly, "Maybe."


Wait. If its a date..

No, he can't do that.

"Wait, Joshua. I was going to-"

But he was already out of the door.

After Mirrin.

After my girl.

"Is Joshua really going on a date like-"

"Damn it!" I slammed my hand into the wall.

"H-hyung?" Dino peeked at me from the side.

I look at everyone, staring at their feet or keeping quiet, and suddenly I feel so bad. Why must I screw everything up for everyone all the time?

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