11: Chuseok Evening

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Seungcheol's POV

To be honest, I knew it was Mirrin when we ran into her outside the performance theatre. I already spotted her from afar but I let her run into me on purpose.

I just wanted a little bit of...attention.

I know she thinks I flirt with girls a lot because all the boys think I'm like that, but I don't really. The only reason why I tease Mirrin so much is because...I feel something different with her.

She's just so calm and collected, and when she's deep in thinking, her eyebrows scrunch up so adorably that I want to reach over and smooth the creases over.

She's different.

She makes my heart beat a million times faster.

I know Jeonghan has a crush on her, and so does Wonwoo. Plus, The8 and Dino are so close to her already.

I haven't known her for even a week yet, but I feel like we would be really closely connected if I got to know her more.

But she brushes me off every time like a joke, so of course I pretend like I'm just flirting. I actually mean it.

I'm attracted to her.

I've fallen way too deep in for this to be normal.

I'm in love with Mirrin.


Seungcheol's POV

"Mirrin-ah~ Let's go get your very first hanbok for chuseok!" I sling my arms over her shoulder, but I can see Wonwoo and The8 glaring at me from the side.

She also gives me a side-eye but then she smiles this bright, beautiful smile, and momentarily my heart speeds up, so I quickly whip my hand away from her, shocked at this new feeling.

"I'll choose a pretty one for you, Mirrin-ie," Jeonghan suddenly appears at her other side and slides his arm around her, pulling Mirrin away from me as he gives me a smirk.


We got to the store Wonwoo's Eomma directed us to, and it was...so...colourful.

Some of us had to get new hanbok too, because we'd outgrown ours. Jun and Minghao didn't have hanbok either, so they had to get one each. In the end everyone ended up getting new hanbok.

I just quickly chose a simple light blue and pink one. I didn't really like the colourful bright yellows and reds, but the other boys seemed to. Just then, I spotted a girl's hanbok with a simple white top with a flowy, navy skirt with an iridescent sheen and with embroidered clouds. It wasn't too bright and gaudy, but it wasn't plain either. It looked..perfect for Mirrin, calm like the clouds in a navy night sky. I picked it off the shelf by its hanger and made my way towards Mirrin, smiling as I imagined her in it. Navy blue was her colour.

Suddenly Wonwoo steps in front of me holding a hanbok with a light blue top and a similar navy skirt, but his had a embroidered hydrangeas. It looked like the one I was holding...Like the one I chose.

"Mirrin-ie~" he called out, "Do you like this one?"

I could see her eyes light up, and she jumped up, clapping her hands together and she twirled the hanbok around to admire the skirt. I quickly hide the hanbok I'm holding behind my back.

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