15: The Brightest Smile in the Night

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Joshua's POV

When she fell on the ground and looked back up at us, and my eyes widened to see her eyes filled with tears.

But those eyes...

No wonder Dino kept telling me about a girl when I was still in LA. He said he found Rin, his older sister who supposedly..died many years ago.

Of course people change as they grow, but...She does really reminds me of Rin.

We were all childhood friends, Dino, Rin, Myunghee, and myself. We used to be inseparable, until one day Dino and Rin suddenly left our lives. Then Myunghee moved away and...I never saw any of them again until Dino and I, by sheer luck, managed to find each other again through music. Dino met friends who were interested in becoming a group together, becoming famous, singing, dancing...And after years of trying to convince me, I finished high school and decided to join everyone here in Seoul. A large part of the reason was because I heard about her.

Still, this girl..Mirrin.

She really intrigues me.

I don't think I'm convinced she's my childhood friend Rin yet, but...she really has something that draws me to her.


Mirrin's POV

For some reason, my feet lead us back to that garden maze.

Now that the sky was dark and it was late at night, little lights lit up the hedges, and it looked magical. I walked right past that bench, right past the hedge Seungcheol and I hid in, and straight into the maze.

Joshua was still by my side, smiling as he breathed in the night air.

Neither of us spoke, but it was...comfortable. He came across as a gentleman.

It felt really comfortable being next to Joshua. The whole way as I strolled around in the maze, he didn't force me to explain anything, he didn't try to play with my feelings, and we simply spent a long time in each other's company.

As we approached the centre of the maze, there was a circular area with stone benches, but I sat on the grass and leaned against the stone instead of sitting on it. Joshua joined me on the grass too, sitting with his legs folded.

"Sorry about our first meeting." I started.

"Don't worry about it," he laughs lightly, "But are you alright?"

"Mmhm, just some stuff happened."

"You don't have to tell me but I can listen if you want to." He smiles

I think back to just a few hours ago when I opened up to Seungcheol about my memory, and about the boy I've been searching for. I thought about how that ended and some of the emotions bubbled in me again, and I shivered a little trying to shake it away.

"Are you cold?"

" I'm fine", I reply, but Joshua takes of his jacket and puts it around me anyway. I feel the heat rising in my cheek at his gentlemanly act.

Not again, Mirrin, I scold myself.

"You know, you really really remind me of my childhood friend Rin." Joshua says, with a hint of something in his voice I can't quite pinpoint. It felt like..he meant more than he said.

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