21: That's Mine

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Seungcheol's POV

I stepped out of my room after that, and made my way to Mirrin's room. I need to talk to her about Chuseok night. 

She had to have felt something back then..There's no way I could have felt something so strong and she didn't...

I was outside her room, pondering whether to knock when I heard voices from the opposite room. Joshua's door was left open. 

"I still have mine."


"Joshua, Is that yours or not?"

"Hey, Rin, look, I can tell that this is really important to you, but I really don't know whose this is-"

"So it's not yours?"

"It just floated into my window. But Rin, Mirrin, look. This strip must belong to someone here, and I'll help you find him, okay? Whoever's keeping quiet, we'll find him, alright?"

I widened my eyes to see Joshua holding my strip of bandana I let to the wind. Why does he have that? 

And if Mirrin is asking about it so fervently...No..Seolma...

She lifted her wrist to show him a navy blue bandana on her wrist, one with a pattern so familiar to me. It was the white and navy blue pattern I traced every night for years, dreaming of the day I'd meet that girl again. We made a promise to find each other again. 

I unconsciously let out a gasp. 

How was I so stupid not to realise it was her? 

You pabo, pabo Seungcheol. 

I flashed back to Chuseok night:

"That's funny," she laughs, "I kind of want to forget someone too, but I wish I could find him at the same time."

"Who?" I chuckle, "First love?"

Mirrin turns her head suddenly to look at me. "How'd you know?" as she picks at the the sleeve on her wrist. 

"I was just joking, but...you still want to find him?" My heart drops a little.

"It's kind of hopeless and childish, right?" Mirrin smiles, and my heart softens a little.

My heart jumped and thundered across my chest as I rejoiced at the fact that it was her. All the years and efforts of trying to forget her faded in my mind. This..this must be why I felt so strongly to her. It was like a magnet dragging me towards her. 

It's Mirrin. You are her. 

My first love. You...Mirrin-ah. 

A genuine, warm smile spread across my face and warmth flooded my stomach. It felt like everything was in place. All those years and nights of thinking, those years of wondering when I would ever meet her again, those days forcing myself to forget..None of that mattered anymore. 

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