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The humming of the Tri-Carrier surrounds me as I stretch out on my bed. 

After that info-bomb Kele gave us earlier that night, we were all dismissed so that he and Fury could discuss a few things. We all gladly took this as a hint to hit the mess hall where the food wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I saw Agent Benjamin and Agent Ana there, aside from a little headache they were okay which I was glad for. The thing Kele used on them was some kind of shadow paralysis technique.

Apparently that comes with the Shadow Tamer territory.

Everything seemed so surreal while we were eating. If I closed my eyes I would feel like we were back at school, just like any other day catching up on shows, and swapping stupid stories, but we weren't. We were in one of the world's most advanced airships, training under the best of the best to become the ultimate heroes of the next generation.

No pressure.

The others (more specifically Sam) seemed to especially notice how close Danny and I were since I got back, and admitted that they had placed a bet on when the two of us would finally get together. Much to our surprise Ava was the one who guessed the closest and she happily accepted her reward—nearly a hundred bucks. I couldn't help but be a little embarrassed by all of it, but our resident fortune cookie took it all with a smile, wrapping an arm around me while we ate.

Since it was getting pretty late, we parted ways afterward, saying goodbye to Pete before he web-slings his way back home. Since my room was a little further away from the others, Danny offered to walk me to my room (not because this place was like a freaking maze, shut up) and despite the strangeness of it I found it kinda . . . sweet. He even gave me a quick kiss before wishing me goodnight and I had to stop myself from sighing like a love-sick school girl before I stepped into my room.

I smile a little to myself, turning over to my side and wrapping the blankets closer to me. I guess a few good things had happened between all the crazy . . . I just wished it happened under different circumstances.

Looking out the window, I look up at stars, trying to see the few constellations I could make out from all the light pollution before I eventually fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning to the sound of my phone going off and I groggily open my eyes, wincing a bit at the sunlight blaring into my room. I have to install some curtains in here or something. Reaching over to my desk, I unplug my phone (yet another perk from SHIELD) and check the time.

Half-past ten?! I'm late for school—why didn't anyone wake me up?! I jump out of bed, grabbing a set of clothes before hitting the shower, rushing as quickly as I can to make myself presentable before I run out the door. Well, at least I try to before I slam into someone. I nearly fall backward from the force but the person takes a hold of my wrist before I do. I shake the stars away from my eyes, holding my nose and looking up at brown eyes that match my own.

"Ari, are you alright?" Kele asks, a hint of worry in his voice. I blink the tears away, the pain subsiding much quicker than it usually does. I think I can get used to this whole healing factor thing.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine— but I really have to go, I'm late for school!"

He furrows his brow, confused. "Didn't you get our message?" he says as I'm about to run off again.

"Message?" I scroll through my phone, noticing the get-well soon's from Harry and MJ and one from Peter saying that I was in sick today. You would think they would've let me know sooner—oh wait, he left me a voicemail . . . damn it. "So I could have slept in a little more?" I whine, my shoulders slumping as I let my bag fall to the ground.

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