the date and the surprise

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Ethans POV

It was 7:30 and Bella was still watching Spongebob. I looked at the engagment ring. It was just perfect

" Bella!" I yelled putting the ring back in the box.

" COMING!" She said

I could here her coming closer and closer.

" Yes?" She asked

" Come on let's take a shower we need to start getting ready." I said

" Okay." She said smiling.


We got home from cheveys and I ran upstairs

" STAY DOWN HERE!" I yelled while i was going up the stairs. I got the ring and ran down stairs she looked at me confused. I started to talk.

" Bella. We have been going out for over a year now. And that year was the best time of my life and i know you are having troubles with David and I love you and i always will. I may have went out with tons of girls and out of those girls YOU are my favorite." I said I pulled out the ring and knelt down.

" Bella, Will you marry me?" I asked

She gasped and she was crying with joy.

" YES, YES I WILL I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" She said hugging me.

I got up and kissed her.

" I have been waiting for this moment all my life!" She said " And with you. You are the perfect person."




" Who can that be?" She asked.

She opened the door and screamed. I looked over her shoulder and it was him! David. I went to the door.

" Call 911" I said really low in her ear.

" You better leave RIGHT now!" I say

" Why. I want to talk to Bella." He said

" Why?!!? Because this is MY house and you can NOT talk to her she does not like you and she NEVER will. GET OVER THE FACT SHE DOESN'T LIKE YOU!" I say

" How do you know she won't ever like me huh?" He asked giggling.


Bella's Pov

" 911 what is your emergency?" The police lady said

" This guy from my school. He is stalking me and wont leave me alone he is at my house right now please come right now!" I said crying

" We are on our way right now." She said

" Thank you so much." I said then hung up

David's POV

MARRIED?!?!?!?! That is just GREAT!


Oh my gosh is that the police?!?!?! They are surrounding us.

" Really? The police?" I asked

" Yes you won't leave her alone." He said

" Your under arrest." The police said.

Then just like that i was in the police car.

Bella's POV

" I am going to ask you some questions." The lady said.

" Okay, can he come?" I asked pointing to Ethan.

" Yes, may I come in?" She asked.

" Yes, come in. Now what was those questions?"  I asked.

" What was his name?" She asked.

" David." I said

" When did this all begin?"

" 3 Years ago." I answered


After 10 minutes of questions she left

" I love you." I said

" I love you to Bella." He said while putting the ring on my finger


Sooo how was it no that dude isint gone forever that sucks :( but ya sorry if it sucks i hope its long!!!!!!!!!!!


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