Faints and him

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Bella's POV

We took a sharp turn and it made me wake up. I sat up and looked to the side. I saw Ethan, he made every inch of my body tingle. I loved him so much! The thought about having kids made me happy. I want a little girl. A sweet little girl with black silky hair and blue eyes. I would sing to her every night and tuck her in. She would make me happy so much! I put my head on his shoulder, so he put his arm around my waist. I was just sitting there and then I remembered how we met.

We were at school and after 6th period i ran into him. We looked at each other. I was lost in his eyes. I couln't stop looking at him.

" Sorry." I said.

" Oh... no no no don't be sorry." He said

He put out his hand, it took me a minute to realize it was there. I shook it.

" I'm Ethan."

" Im Bella."

" Do you want to go out sometime, like for coffee?" He asked

" Ya sure, i'd love to."

" Okay see you tonight at 8."

When I remembered that it made me smile.

" Why are you so happy?" He asked poking me.

I giggled. " I was thinking how we met."

" Oh, that was a nice day." He said with a smile.

" We will be arriving to Hawaii in 20 minutes." The pilot said

" Man, that long already? How long was i sleeping?" I asked

" A LOOOOOOONG time." He said with a smirk.

" You know what i want?" I asked

" Hmm?"

" A kid." I said looking over to him.

He looked over to me quickly with a surprised look.

" Really?"

" Ya..... why you don't want any?" I asked with a disappointed look.

" No,no,no, I do. I have been wanting them for awhile now." He said kissing  me.

When our lips touched it felt like sparks! I loved his soft lips.

19 minutes later.

Ethan's POV

" We are now in Hawaii." The pilot

" Yay! I cant wait to get to our hotel!" Bella said

We went to the ocean and someone said they would take us to the hotel. When we got there i walked up to the counter to sign in. I told Bella she could go sit down. She turned around and whipped back around.

" Ethan LOOK!" She said panicking.

I turned around and it was him. David just sittin' there with a smirk on his face. He got up to come to Bella. I got in front of her, she hid behind me like a little kid hiding behind it's mom leg.

" You lay one finger on her i really WILL kill you." I said

" Ahem!" The person working on the desk cleared her throat.

" Please, PLEASE, call the cops PLEASE." Bella pleaded.

" Whats wrong?" She asked.

" Him!!!! He is stalking me. This is Mine and husbands honeymoon and i don't want him to ruin it please call them now." She said crying.

She dialed 911. I heard a loud thump from behind me. I turned around and looked down and saw Bella laying there. I knelt down.

" BELLA! WAKE UP. WAKE UP!" I said shaking her.

She was still alive just passed out. I turned around to look at David. I gave him a look that said " Im going to kill you if you dont leave RIGHT NOW! He put his hands up.

" I didn't do anything."

" You better GET OUT right now you RUIN everything! Can't you just leave her alone for once!?!?! THIS HAS GONE TO FAR. LOOK!" I said pointing to Bella." YOU MADE HER PASS OUT. I'M DONE WITH YOU AND YOU'R CRAP! LEAVE RIGHT NOW!" I yelled


" If you want someone, go for a girl that isin't TAKEN! Now go back to where you came back from and NEVER come back." I said pointing to the door.

Bella's POV

I was panicking, then i saw blackness. Now i was on a bed in the hospital. Wait, wheres Ethan? I sat up, Looking everywhere. I didn't see him.

" Where is Ethan?!?! Where????" I asked.

" Im sorry, but he couldn't come in here. He is out there." The docter said pointing outside the curtian.

" But why? He is my husband... I need him." I asked getting upset.

" It's the rules young lady. Sorry." The stupid docter said.

This made me more mad then upset. Why can't he be with me!?!?!?! I want him. Why can't everything just be normal again. I wish this was all a nightmare! WAKE UP! I huffed.

Why me?


Heyyyy. How was it. I hope it was good. david is making me mad GRRRRRRRRRR >:( I hope you guys liked it. i feel bad for Bella. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


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