chapter 17 ( ending )

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Bella's pov





" What Misha!" I yelled through the phone.

She always called me when I am asleep


" Okay?"

I turned on the t.v and looked for the news.

" Some young man had cut himself to death when he was in jail. On the walls he had wrote, I love Bella, Ethan does not deserve her. And much more about this " Bella" girl."

When I heard " Bella " and " Ethan " I froze. It showed a picture of David. It showed some people from my school talking about him. I knew all these people, some who liked him, some who hated him.

" David was an innocent man. I don't know why any soul would hate him. He was a great friend." Said one of his friends.

I wanted to go down there and tell them what REALLY happened.

" I have heard that he had stalked Bella because he liked her but she was married. Thats why he put Ethan doesn't deserve her because that's her husband. I think thats why he killed himself because he couldn't handle being without her."

"YES! She knows what happened!" I yelled jumping on the bed.

Ethan came up the stairs and looked at me strangely.


Ethan looked at the t.v and had a relieved face.

" YES! Know we don't have to live with this FREAK in our lives!"

I jumped off the bed and gave Ethan a hug.

" I can be happy now."

" Let's go check on the kids." He said

A thought shot through my mind.

" Oh my god." I said

" What?"

" There 10 months old today!"

" That means there gonna have there first steps soon!"

I ran into the room and they were playing with there toys. They looked over and smiled.

" Mama, dada." They said.

We picked them up and we went downstairs to play with them. We put them down and they started crawling everywhere, picking up random stuff.

" Come to mama" I told Clair.

She started crawling really fast. She got to me and stood on her knees balancing on me. She lifted her leg then the other and she stood up! She took a step and fell. That didn't stop her. She got back up and kept falling. Shaun did the same thing.

" Oh my god Ethan!"


I know it was short and only 17 chapters. :\ im not that impressed. I just wanted to end this

one and make a story about there kids when there older. Hope ur happy that david's dead now! hope u liked this story :) that u all for reading my story!!!!

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