chapter 16.

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I need to start ending story cuz 20 is where i stop BUT dont worry ima make a story ONLY with Clairs and Shauns pov and about thier life when they are like... hmm 4 ya 4. If you have an idea bout what to name that story that would be AWESOME!Thank you for reading hope u like this one


Nathans POV

I was with Misha and we were planning our wedding.

" So, we are going to have to find our own place." She said.

" I know, do you want to look for that first or do you wanna give out invitations and get our wedding set?"

" Hmm I don't know. I guess the wedding its not for another 3 months so I guess we can plan the wedding and then get a house.''

" Okie dokie."

Misha's POV

I took out my phone and started to call Bella to come help.

" Who are you callin'?'' He asked.

" Bella"

He got up to go make lunch.

" Hello?"

" Hi Bella!"

" Hey Misha."

" Can you come over and help."

She took awhile before answering.

" Um not today we are busy we need to go shopping for the babies. New clothes, new toys and we need to get paint for their own room."

" Oh, okay can ou come tomorrow?"

" Ya absolutely!"

" Okay thank you bye love you."

" Love you to bye."

I went in the kitchen to see what Nathan was making. I came up behind him and gave him a big big big hug. He jumped a little turning around. I giggled.

" Now, that wasn't funny."

" It kinda was." I told him

" To you." He said pointing to me and then planting a kiss on my lips.

" I love you hot stuff" I told Nathan.

I smelt somethin' burning but I guess he was to happy to see me he was distracted. I looked behind him and saw his grilled cheese sandwiches were burning.

" Um, I think your food is burning."

He turned around in a second.

" Oh shoot."

He took the pan off the stove and threw the grilled cheese.

" Now, let's do this right."

" Ya you grilled cheese. Work with Nathan. He needs your help."  I said look at the grilled cheese he was making.

I giggled and gave Nathan a hug. I swear to god he is the best guy in the world. I know your gonna say, " Oh well, every girl says that about a guy" But really though im being truthful right now.

Bella's POV

Since there were 2 more rooms in the house we decided to give the babies one of them. The one right across of our bedroom. We were at Home Depot getting some blue and purple paint both light colors. Would paint it in stripes.

" What shade?" Ethan asked.

I pointed to the half light and have dark for both colors.

" Those ones." I told him.

" Okay.'' He said getting the buckets of paint. We went to the counter and paid for the paint.

" Where do you want to go to get the clothes and toys?" He asked

" Target. They have the best stuff there."

On out way there I turned the radio to 107.9 the end. Super bass was on and I started to sing along.

" This is for the boys in the boomer system top down a.c" I sang

We drove up to target and he turned the car. off. When I got out Ethan came and held my hand. Ah Ethan. Your so sweet. Your nothing like those player guys in high school I used to date. He is the perfect guy for me. Ethan was the one for me. I love him for life. I remember,when i was 15, so when David started to stalk m-. Wait. David, I thought. How long was he in jail. He could be watching me right now. I whipped around making sure I didn't see him. Even though I couldn't see him. Didn't mean he couldn't see me.

David's POV

I need to get out of this piece of misery. It's so ......... upsetting not being able to not see Bella. Maybe I should just move on. Get another girl. I just need to get over the fact that I will never get Bella. I started to cry and before I knew it I felt a punch in the back. Immediately I stopped crying.

" What was one of the rules I said." Rosco told me in his deep voice.

He was in jail for robbing a bank. He hated it when people cryed. He said it disgusted him.

" N-no crying." I told hom scared for life.

I decided, he wasn't gonna boss me around. I can cry all I want. He may be muscular but I don't care. I hate being bossed around by him. Almost 2 months of being BOSSED around. I stood up and faced Rosco.

" YOU KNOW WHAT?!" I yelled.

He turned around surprised.

" I can do WHATEVER I want to do. I can cry all I want to. I can SLEEP when I want to. Im am DONE being bossed around by YOU. Oh, you think your all macho man. You may be tough and scary but honestly. I don't care anymore."

He started coming to me with his fists ready to punch. Before he could punch me I kicked him where no man would wanna be kicked. Since he was bent over I pushed him to the ground and started to kick him. The gaurds came and took me away.


" You'll pay for this one David. You just WAIT." He yelled back.

They put me in this room that was for phyco people. But I wasn't phyco. Or was I? No I can't be I am very normal.


I know what ima do with David now. Only  4 more chapters then the secong book. Then  I MIGHT make a third book but idk hope you liked this and hope it was long BYEEE


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