chapter 7

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Bella's POV

" I am not!!!!" I told Ethan giggling for the 5th time.

" You are a good singer... please, please do singing for a job PLEASE!"......" You will make everyone happy." He said

" Fine, but don't get your hopes up...... i have to make a song first and give it to a record company." I told him.

" Yay." He said kissing me

On....and on....and on.


He looked at me.

" I have to answer it... im sorry."

"Hey big brother."

" Hey, i was wondering if.... you and your husband would come to dinner with me and Kayla. So we can meet each other."

" Umm who is Kayla?

" Oh, she is my wife."

" How come I have never heard of her before?"

" I don't know. We are to busy to do anything. So then we couldn't tell you."

" Okay well i will go now."

" Bye."

I started to ask if we can go but before I can talk...

 " NO."

" Good, I didn't want to go anyway."

" You saved me." I said

" Huh?"

" You saved me.... from David, and everything going wrong."

" You know I wouldn't let you do this all on your own. I love you. Everything about you. And everything you do."

" I love you to." I honestly did.


i know it is very short but i have writers block and i dont know what to write so ya bye

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