crying and planning

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Bella's POV

I am driving over to Misha's house with Ethan. She was my best friend ever since 1st grade. She had Brown curly hair, she was tall, and she had a boyfriend name Nathan. He told Ethan he was gonna propose soon. They have been dating for over a year now. When I got there Nathan answered the door. Good thing he was here so he can talk to Ethan. He stepped aside to let me in. I went upstairs to Misha's room. I walked in and she looked like she really wanted to know what i was going to tell her. When she looked up to me she got up and started to jump on the bed.


" Uh.. I'm having twins." I said

She dropped down on her bed.

" TWINS!!!!?????"

" Yes. Boy and girl."

"AWWWW how old are they"

" 1 month old."

" Well congrats. Come sit." She said patting her bed next to her.

When i sat down she pat my belly. " You guys are gonna have a good momma."

I giggled.

" I can't wait!!!" I huffed." Now I just have to wait 8 months 'till they pop out." I said frowning.

I looked over to Misha and she looked upset.

" Whats wrong?" I asked

" You have a husband and having twins. I just want Nathan to engage to me. 

" I wouldn't worry about that." I said

" What?"

" Misha.... you know he loves you. If he wasn't going to engage to you then he would have broken up with you a long time ago. You know deep down he would never break up with you and if he isin't going to break up with you then you know what's going to happen."

Hey eyes were tearing up. Without a warning she hugged me very tight.

" Thank you Bella. I really needed that."

" Hey... that's what best friends are for right?"

Ethan's POV

Me and Nathan were in the living room and i could here Misha crying. Oh Misha.

" Sooo. When are you going to propose????" I asked

" I don't know all I know is that its going to be soon."

Bella came down with Misha. Holy cow... Misha's eyes were all red. Nathan ran up to her.

" Are you okay baby?" He asked

She nodded. " Now I am. Thank you Bella.

" No problem." Bella said with a smile

" Sorry but we have to go." Bella said looking upset.

" Okay. See you later."

Me and Bella left and when we got in the car i asked Bella why she was crying.

" She thought that Nathan would never propose to her so i told her that he would have broken up with her a long time ago if he didn't want to purpose to you and if he isn't going to break up with you then you know what's going to happen."

" Ohhh. Ok"

That dude needs to purpose to her already.

Nathan's Pov

Me and Misha sat down to watch t.v. No,No,No, there is nothing good on!!!!

" I'm going to made lunch." I told her

" Okay ham sandwich please."

That was her favorite lunch EVER! I looked in the fridge and I didn't see the ham.

" Baby!!! I don't see the ham."

She walked in and had a "duh" expression on her face.

" Its right there." She said pointing that is was right in front of my face.

" Oh."

I took the ham and she walked out to watch her show. I listened to the show and it sounded like South Park.

" HE KILLED KENNY! " I heard from the t.v

" NOO NOT KENNY!!!" I heard Misha yell.

I walked in the living room with both of our sandwiches.

" Thank you." She said kissing me on the cheek.

" I love you so much Misha. You have no idea how much I love you." I really did love her.

" Awww I love you to."

She took a big bite out of her sandwich.

" Mmmmmmmm this is yummy in my tummy." She loved that quote.

" Your yummy...... period." I told her

She kissed me like there was no tomorrow.

I loved her and no one can stop that.

Bella's POV

I felt so bad for Misha. I really hope she still doesn't think he won't propose to her. They loved each other so much. I remember the day he asked her out. I wish i saw it but all i saw was what Misha did.

We were at school and she was running up to me screaming,


" What... what is it?" I asked laughing.

" You know hat really cute guy, Nathan, The one I have a major crush on?"

" Yeees."

" HE ASKED ME OUT!!!!!!"

I was so happy for her.She was freaking out and was panting like a dog 'cause she was freaking out.

That was a funny day. When he proposes to her. That will be her dream come true.


Heyyy i was talking to someone and they said my chapter should be longer and so i tried my hardest to make this one long. I really hope this was good and long plz vote like comment plzzzzzzz i love all my fans ( even though there arent a lot) but idk lol byeeeee :D <3

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