Chapter 4

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Katherine 'Kat' Black

Throughout the rest of the day me and Kat stayed together talking and laughing I could feel Cole's jealousy grow by the second it was interesting.

"Dude I'm so fucking tired ma had me up all night practicing spells upon spells." Said Kat. I laughed her mom wanted her to be the best no matter what.

"Poor baby I had to listen to Cole's thoughts about me for hours upon hours till finally he fell asleep did I mention it was unwillingly." I said matter-of-factly. Kat stopped in her tracks.

"You what" she said loudly. Dammit I didn't tell her.

"Ooops Did I forget to mention that to you" I said apologetically. She flipped me off.

"You sure did, you little asshole" she said upset. I laughed.

"Sowwy sweetheart" I said in a sing-song voice. She rolled her eyes.

I felt large hands wrap around my waist and a sudden rush of scared ness flash through me. A small kiss was laid upon my cheek gently.

"Hi darling" said Angel the school's book worm. I smiled in gave him a hug.

"Hello lovely, you look amazing" I said. A large wind flew pass, all I felt
was Angel leaving my arms.

"HE'S MY MATE IF YOU EVER PUT YOUR HANDS ON HIM AGAIN I BREAK YOUR SPINAL CORD INTO SIX" yelled Cole anger was running through him his voice was in Alpha mode, his eyes glowed a dark evil, looking red.

"Cole let him go he didn't hurt me I promise, just let him go" I said soothingly when he didn't budge, I went over to them I roughly tried to yank his hand away from Angel's neck.

"NOW!" I yelled. He seemed to comprehend, than let go of Angel who scurried off like a rat. I quickly walked away with Kat trailing behind me.

I could smell him too. We went to the library, into the restricted zone Kat grabbed a book and headed to the other side of the library. Cole stood in front of me, guilty written all over his face.

"What the hell, is your problem you don't go around throwing people into lockers because they hugged me. I just seen a side of you I knew existed but thought you had control over. But I was wrong you go off all barbaric expecting everyone not to react. If your trying to earn me than your failing horribly" I said angered. He said nothing just stared at the floor.

I took his face in my hands making him look at me. His eyes still glowed red boldly, he had sadness in them I felt bad for going off, but he deserved it.

"I'm your mate, I'm destined to be with you no one else, trust me when I say this to you. I only want and need you" I said softly. His eyes returned to normal, he gave a loud sigh, than took me into a large hug. I stood their stiffer than a stick.

"I'm sorry Julian" he finally said. I wrapped my arms around his neck getting on my tip toes, to reach his 6'4 figure. I'm only 5'6, his breathing was so warm and comforting in a way.

"I know" I said we pulled away just staring at each other. I kissed his cheek, if I were to kiss him, I wouldn't ever stop.

"I wouldn't want you to" he said. I blushed. He stooped down and kissed me softly, I could taste the soda he drank.

The kiss of course turned more passionate, his grip grew tighter around my waist. I was as close to him as humanly possible, his tongue played with mine. I grew semi hard I wanted so much, we were so deep into one another. Him dominating me completely, he pushed me into the table holding me down against the table.

"We sh-should uhhhh.... Dam we nn-eed to stop pl-pl-please auhhhh" I moan out loudly. Cole was bitting my neck as his right hand held me down, and left pushed up my shirt. Than the unexpected came: KAT!!

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