Chapter 24

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Julian's POV

Day 1:

I feel hunger I've been in this cell for 24 hours. My head is throbbing in I'm changing uncontrollably again. I've already had breakfast it was raw meat, it made my wolf happier than anything.

I remember Elliot telling me his name was Aniko. He's impatient, in I'm craving more blood. Master came to see me for at least a half in hour, he told me how everyone was doing. He said that Elliot's been trapped in his room not wanting to see anyone. My mom and dad had flown out they've been worried in of course so did Jada, Kat, and Cole also came.

I laid on the cold brick ground, its really hot in here. The sun has gone down in lunch should be on its way. I waited patiently, my wolf growled out. I felt another change coming, I screamed as I felt my body go into a frenzy.

"AHHHHHHHHH" I yelled my nails grew my fangs pushed through my gums. My ribs cracking into a stronger force.

Elliot's POV

I listened to the love of my life scream in pain I wanted so badly to go to him but, Master forbidded me. I had punched multiple holes in the wall, broke every lamp anything that was breakable.

I havent slept yet, I miss him. Holding him, touching him, loving him in its barely been a day. He's been changing uncontrollably I can feel it, I feel so dam alone.

"FUCK! I JUST WANT HIM BACK" I yelled flipping over a stand. The glass and plate hit the ground crashing on contact.

"Elliot are you okay in there" I heard Sicily ask through the door.

"Get away from my door! I wanna be alone" I bellowed I could hear her feet move away fast. If its not Julian I dont want to be bothered.

I dont know how Im going to live if he's not there. If I only we could share his pain it'll be easier to control. But it can also resolve in one of us dieing.

In losing the love of my life isn't a choice hell its not even a option. I went into the bathroom, and stripped off my clothes and got into the shower. Till a sharp pain hit my body.

"Aaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhh" I screamed. It felt like my heart was being turn unto pieces. "JULIAN. JULIAN!!" I yelled his name as loud as I could I needed him. I needed him.

Julian's POV

"ELLIOT. PLEASE ELLIOT HELP ME" I pleaded. I can't it hurts so much, I want Elliot.

His name ran in out of my mind, he was all I wanted needed. I just needed to see him feel his touch, in I'll be okay. My wolf howled out to his as if his life was dieing.

"Julian" said a weak voice, I looked up to see Elliot he looked terrible. His eyes darkened with circles, he collapsed in front of the cell his body weak in fragile.

"Sensei is going to kill us for this" I said reaching for his cold hand.

"I dont fucking care. I can't breathe without you. I can't think without seeing you in my mind. Feeling you in my heart".

He continued. "Love. I need you I cant stand you being in here no matter if its only been two days. Its too long." he whined. He kissed my hand.

"I love you Julian I swear on my life. In if only this dam hunger didnt exist than we could be home alone in bed." I said my voice cracking at the end.

He looked up at me his eyes filled with regret, he hated when I cried it broke him.

"Please love, don't cry. I really cant bare to see you cry let alone if I can't take the tears away" he said our heads touched through the cold metal bars.

"I'll save you, I think if I can find this wolf half witch. She can give me half your soul and you half of mine. So we can share this hunger you crave for. It'll be easier to control" he said looking at me his eyes shedded hope.

"What makes you think it'll work" I questioned. He kissed my hand.

"Because I'm will die for you. I will die before I go another day seeing you in here like a animal" he said determined. I nodded. He got up holding his ribs.

"I love you Julian. In I promise to come back in fix this" he said limping.

"I love you Elliot. In be careful" tears streaming down my face as he walked away from me.

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