Chapter 7

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Jordans P.O.V.
"I have to go!" I scream as I stand up. I have to go tell Shannon my true feelings for her I grab my keys and slip my shoes on and I run out the door.

Nicole's P.O.V.
"I have to go!" Jordan screams as he runs out of the room. Why is everyone running away from me lately? My relationship ran away from me with Shannon!

I get up to go check in on Ben and he's on the couch with his face in his hands. I sit beside him. "Hey, Ben are you okay?" I start to rub his back as he looks up at me. "Nicole I'm really sorry.. I always do this. My rooms trashed with beer bottles and cans. I don't know what to do. Now I have a black eye an-"

"Hey! It's okay. I can help you clean and I can give you makeup to hide you black eye." He smiles and hugs me. "Thanks." I break the hug "Let's start cleaning!" I get a trash bag and I go to open bens door. "NICOLE! I warn you now! Do you wish to enter?" I laugh "how bad can it be?" I open the door and you can barely see the floor his bed or anything. "Ben, can you get a few more trash bags?" I walk in his room and start cleaning.

•Time laps of 2 hours•

We fall onto the couch. "Wow that was fun." Ben glares at me "hah" we start laughing and we start to channel surf. "Want to watch a movie?" He says sure and we go through the movies. "Let's watch The Visit!" We start watching it as Ben looks at me an he kisses me as Jordan walks in. "NICOLE!" I look at Jordan as he drops a rose..

Rlly.... NO WHY EW MYSELF IS A JERK WHY NO MUCH HURT SO WOW! Yeah so dat happened!

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