Q&A Answers

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Remember to read the third book if you would like! It can be found on my profile!


What inspired you to write this book and how did you come up with it?

I read a couple JTK fanfictions and I wasn't pleased with them, so I decided to write my own and create a storyline that I would actually want to read. I basically came up with the ten days part right off the bat after playing tons and tons of voltage games, but the twist ending in the first book came to be about half way through. Towards the end, I decided on making the second book, and in the middle of the fourth or fifth chapter of it, I came up with the two years twist. Just recently I decided upon the ending of this book and the storyline of the next two books. I'm still undecided about the excerpt and the last book is kinda fuzzy, though I know what the gist is.

If you were to imagine something, would you want it to come true?

If everything I imagine were to come true, the world would probably be a better place. (Cue Death Note music.) This world is rotten... I shall use my imagination to rid the world of this filth!

Are you any good in drawing?

Well, I would think so. I draw a lot of digital art. Most of it is posted on my Instagram, xxdarkqueenxxrei, if you would like to see it.

Will you add slender to the story and can he be a good guy?

I wasn't planning on including him because I'm not exactly sure how to portray him. I'm kind of going off the "every creepypasta is against Jeff" thing and plus, I feel like slender is just a weird character to put in. If you think about it, he's supposed to stalk girls and not talk or anything. If he were to be a character, he would only taunt (y/n) and maybe just cause headaches or something. I don't exactly see a point in that.

Some of you thought that the creature back in chapter 4 or 5 was slender, but it was actually something I made myself. When I was camping, I went on a walk at night and looked between two cabins and I saw something that looked similar to what I described. It wasn't actually a monster; I was just blind and scared because the moon literally makes my brain go whacky. (I think I just get tired and go into some sort of "hyperactive" state of mind.)

To put it in terms of probability, slender will most likely not make an appearance in this series.

What's your favorite TV show?

Yeah, I don't know. Maybe Pretty Little Liars... Once Upon a Time... Danganronpa (not exactly a show).

Who is your favorite author and what's your favorite book by them?

James Dashner, the Maze Runner. I read the first book in 6th grade and faked being sick for three days so that I could stay home and read the rest of the series. Now, 5 years later, I'm reserving seats for the movies three months ahead of time. Call me crazy, but I almost of flipped my shit when I found out he is releasing another prequel. Imma die.

Do you sing or play instruments?

I sing :3 But, sadly, no instruments yet. I want to play piano. I'm a beast at that piano app called "Deemo." Oh, and drums are natural for me too, so I'll get to that one day.

When is the next update of killer comedy?

Let's see here... Possibly a week or a couple... or a month... or longer? I haven't really had any inspiration for it. I usually wait until something funny happens in my life that I can put in it, and my life is boring :/ I'll try to push one out soon though.

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