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In the darkest hours,
when the clock has been reset,
and I hear the drunken sounds of laughing men,
I thrive.

I feed off the darkness I so desperately crave,
and I suck every last bit of it from the ocean in the night sky.

In the day I live off of the darkness within me,
and I transform into a horrible monster at night.
Who's to say I'm not the female embodiment of the blue and black swirls in the sky?

Pale skin stretched across brittle bones,
and lips so dry they bleed.
Pillow marks across my arms like thin clouds in the dark sky.

The night has transformed me
into a beast so powerful.
Lightning dancing at my fingertips,
storms brewing on my lips.

The night has welcomed me,
and I will hold it like a lover.
And we will intertwine,
until we finally become one.

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