Musings (#2)

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I guess I have such a hatred for adults that I refuse to do something they say, just to spite them. I mean, it gets on my nerves when they keep nagging me, but they'll wear our their voice soon, and I'll be left with peaceful silence. I think I do it just to push them over a bit more, make their lives harder. Because no amount of torture could ever measure up to how much they've messed me up. I've grown up hearing about how I will never be good enough, how I won't ever be just right, and I guess that got drilled into my skull, engraved on my wrist, imprinted behind my eyes so that I won't ever feel the comfort of self-assurance again. Because though my confidence is way up there (at least most of the time) there will always be a voice at the back of my head, that sounds just like them screaming, moaning, shouting how much of a failure I really am. So, I'll continue to break down, sit on the bathroom floor and cry, because like I said before, they've written on every inch of my skin that I will never ever ever ever be happy with what I am.

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