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You won't find adventures in your small town. At least, not the way you expect them to come.

You'll find it in the café two blocks away, with antique clocks and an amazing courtyard. It's sitting in your empty school with people you've grown up with, waiting for the food you ordered. You'll find it in the park by your house you never thought to explore, where you've got a special patch of grass under a large tree. You'll find it in cemetery visits you thought you'd hate, or discovering a new path home. You'll find it in walks with three of your closest friends, laughing about absolutely nothing at four in the afternoon. It'll be in raiding the playground long after the children have gone. Adventures will come in the form of woods behind your house and reading new books on benches in the middle of busy places. You may not know it, but that long car ride you spend listening to your favorite songs and dreaming up stories is an adventure too.

You'll find adventures in unexpected situations, this I know. Go look for them.

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