Chapter 2

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Heart racing, body shaken with nerves, Eren stood in front of the sliver gates, frozen, his legs unable to move. The metal bars shone in the moonlight, gently glimmering in front of eren as he stood motionless.

He was beggining to have second thoughts. Was this the right thing to do? Should he be doing this? What if this brings danger to all the other Angels? What if Demons do really exist and kill him? See Eren didn't really think that Demons existed. Honestly they were like dragons. Mythical creatures which only appeared in children's story books. The fact that they could exist terrified Eren, however he would never admit it, and his curiosity just continued to grow, a constant internal battle with fear against curiosity. Eventually, fear was defeated and Eren took a deep breath. 'This may be the only chance I get.' he thought. 'If I leave now, I will regret it and besides, it's not like they are real. Just a stupid theory of mine. Also, I'm sick and tired of constantly wondering what is beyond these gates. I must find out.'

Looking up, he saw how the bars on the gates were twisted elegantly into different shapes and curves. His eyes scanned the gates, looking for a way to open them. Two handles were slightly above him. He reached up and placed his finger tips on one of them, the whole gate briefly glowing a sapphire emerald, the colour of Eren's eyes, before returning back to sliver. Tightening his grip around it, he placed his other hand on the same one, took a deep breath, while keeping his eyes tightly shut, and pulled the gate, opening it. His heart was beating out of his chest as he continued to pull it open, a crimson red light breaking through the crack he was making. Opening his eyes slightly, he gasped at the colour of light. He nerves continued to build but that didn't stop him. When he decided that the gate was open enough for him to slip through, he brought the courage to bring his legs to life and start moving. Taking one step at a time, he started off slowly, realising that this might've not been the best idea.

Levi's Pov

Levi lay in his sorry excuse for a bed, staring at the grey, cracked ceiling above him, while playing with his pocket knife that he kept around with him all the time, twisting and twirling it in his fingers, careful not to cut himself. He groaned, incredibly bored, desperate for some entertainment. Sitting up, he got off his bed, putting his knife in his pocket and walked to the bars of his spotless cell, taking out a key. He quietly unlocked the cell door, inserting the golden key in it's keyhole, turning it slowly, before opening it and walking out. Not bothering to shut the door/gate behind him, he climbed up the stone steps that lead out of the basement, using the same key to unlock the door then walked out, shutting it behind him this time. 'What to do.' he thought as he walked through his father's castle, making a 'tch' noise and the dirt around him. They might be living in hell, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't keep the place clean. If he could, he would cleam the whole palace, starting with the halls, then the library. Ugh. The library had so much dust. It's like no one bothered to clean in there.

That was when he had an idea. He felt like he was going to die of boredom anytime soon if he didn't do anything soon so why not clean the library. Quietly walking through the palace, careful not to wake anyone up, he opened up the storage cupboard which held all the cleaning supplies he needed. He grabbed as many supplies as he could hold, closing the door with his foot. Luckily, the library was just opposite the storage cupboard so he walked to the library, putting the supplies on the floor, using his key to unlock the door then opening it. That key could open any door in the palace and Levi had been trusted to keep it in his possesion. Putting the key back in his pocket, he picked up the cleaning supplies and walked in, closing the door with his foot then looking at what he had to clean. "Tch. Dust everywhere." he said to himself before getting to work.

As he was cleaning the shelves, he came across a book labeled "Heaven and it's Angels." 'Must be one of those fictional story for five year olds.' Levi thought. However he couldn't help but wonder what it said so he picked it up, opening the book to the front page. It read as follows:

This book cannot be read by anyone/anything. Only a demon of royal blood can access this book. If you are a demon of royal blood, however, you must place a drop of your blood here.

Then an arrow pointed down below. 'Huh. This must be quite a special book for only royalty to see.' Being the son of Satan, that made him a demon prince. Wanting to know what was so important in this book that only a royal demon could see inside, he took out his pocket knife and cut his finger, letting the blood drip on the page. Suddenly, the crimson blood stain glowed, making the whole book shine. Dropping it in shock, Levi stared at the book, watching as the pages started to turn themselves. The book then levitated, rotating slow at first, then gradually getting faster and faster, glowing brighter and brighter. Levi sheided his eyes from the brightness, confused by what was going on. Suddenly everything stopped, and the book fell to the ground with a thud.

Wasting no time, he picked up the book and opened to the first page.

Chapter 1


Angels live in the angelic realm, also known as heaven. They are often recognised by their white, feathered wings and their Glorias. The only thing separating Heaven from Hell, is the middle earth, a place between Heaven and Hell, where Demons and Angels can happily kill each other, without any protective barrier.

'Middle Earth, huh?' This sounded interesting to Levi. He had heard of Angels before, but thought that they were just some myth. He didn't know if this book was factual or not but he carried on reading, regardless.

Heaven is a place of piece and kindness. All Angels are pure. If any Angel breaks that purity, they'd be known as fallen. Also, an Angel can only fall in love with another Angel. If an Angel were to fall in love with a human or a demon, they'd become a 'Fallen Angel'. That is why heaven is guarded by a gate. To prevent themselves from being lured by a Demon. Angels cannot resist the temptation of a Demon once hypnotised by their powers.

An Angel. The complete opposite to a demon, yet a demon has the power to break an angel. To make it become 'Fallen.' Levi wanted to meet an Angel. Not only to break it's pure soul, but to see what they are like. 'Probably annoying.' He thought but that didn't stop him from wondering about them. He wondered what it would be like to lure an Angel to him. To see their naive soul fall for him, then he'd break them. Ruin them. Watch their innocence unwind before him. Before becoming fallen. Smirking at the though, he was about to get back to reading when he heard someone slam the door open.

"What are you doing here? And why is that book in your hands?" a Demon guard stood at the door, it's dark, ugly, scaly wings out, him pointing a spear at Levi.

"Shit." Levi cursed. He picked up his pocket knife, which he had dropped earlier, and held it towards the guard. The guard, however, wasn't intimidated by Levi at all.

"Hahaha!" He began to burst out in laughter. "Y-you think...that you can harm me...with that?!" he said, in between laughs. Becoming agitated by the guard mocking him, Levi ran to the guard at an inhuman pace, quickly swiping his knife through the guards hand, not chopping it off, but creating a deep cut at his wrist. The guard screamed in pain, dropping his spear to the ground, blood gushing out of his hand. Levi smirked as he heard his screams of pain. "Serve you right for mocking me." he said codly, before running out of the palace, knowing that the Demon guards would be after him. He sprinted to two black gates which would lead him out of hell and opened them, not giving it a second thought. Becoming swallowed by darkness, he ran and ran, not looking back, wanting to get away before his father found him. Reaching yet another door, he stopped. At the top, it read 'Middle Earth.'

"So it's real." he said to himself, reaching out to the door handle, hearing shouts behind him. "I guess this is my only choice." He opened the door and ran through, his mind focused in getting away, ignoring his surroundings. Unfortunately, since he wasn't paying attention, he felt himself bump into someone, causing them both to fall over. "Ow! Watch where you're going brat!" he yelled before looking up and meeting a pair of beautiful, ocean eyes.

The Fallen Angel (Angel!ErenxDemon!Levi Ereri/Riren)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now