Chapter 8

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Levi's POV

Levi stood there and watched, his eyes wide in amazement. His father, the ruler of hell, was an Angel?! Not only that, but he used to be best friends with God? Who was the ruler of heaven (he was guessing). Levi's head hurt. This was all too much to take in. Looking around, he noticed how everything had frozen. The image of his father shouting in aggravation, tears of anger and despair in his eyes.

Questions began to pile up, one by one. Who was God? Yes, he was his father's enemy and creator of earth...didn't Eren mention humans? Humans were the creatures that separated the two yet does Eren love them or hate them? That was a question he'd have to ask Eren later.

"I'm glad you're planning on seeing him again."

Levi jumped at his father's sudden remark, his heart racing in his chest. That's right. He can hear my thoughts.

"What do you mean you're glad though? Didn't you say that Eren was the son of Grish-"

"Never use that disgusting name!! I hate it!!!" His father suddenly yelled out in anger and pain.

"I-I'm sorry." Levi stuttered quietly, flinching slightly.

"It's fine." He heard the annoyance in his father voice as he said those two words. Next, came the click of a finger then, before he knew it, Levi was back in his father's room.

"I'm guessing you have many questions."

Levi nodded slowly, awaiting for his father to give him permission to ask everything he had in mind.

"Right. Just as I thought. Go on then. Ask away."

Levi stood there for a moment, thinking hard about how he should arrange his words. Taking in a deep breath, he said "Why did you show this to me?"

His father's expression changed from annoyance to amusement.

"Why, you ask?" he walked over to Levi, a smirk beginning to appear on his face. "Because, you seem to be so friendly towards Eren, who is in fact his son..." Levi didn't like where this was going, "And I'd like you to do a little favour for me."

"W-what kind of favour, exactly?" Levi regretted it the moment he asked.

Lucifer held Levi's chin in his hands, lifting it slightly so he could look into his eyes. He then leaned forwards, his lips beside Levi's ear, his soft breath causing Levi to shiver. "Find out everything you can. That little boy will be the key to my revenge. Tell me everything he tells you. You understand?"

Levi froze at his father's request. He knew this wasn't going to end well for Eren, yet if he didn't accept this, it wasn't going to end well for Levi either. He had to make a choice. Eren or himself?

Levi slowly nodded. He had barely known Eren and his father was the person that sent Levi's father here. In this horrid place. Anger slowly began to build up inside of Levi. He was going to make his father proud. He was going to show his father that he wasn't useless, that he could do something for his benefit, that he was capable of deceiving that Angel, even if it meant betraying his trust. Levi just wanted to make his father proud and he was going to do it, no matter what.

Eren's POV

Eren sat around, bored out of his mind. There was nothing to do here in heaven. Everyone was busy with their own thing, while he was stuck in his room, left to his own devices. He sat up, deciding that he would visit the garden of Eden, a place he had only visited a couple of times. Getting up and stretching, he jumped up, walking down the hallway, greeting Angels as they walked by, giving them his signature smile, receiving a couple of eye rolls, a few smiles back and and a small amount of mutters. Yep. It was almost certain that nobody liked him.

The Fallen Angel (Angel!ErenxDemon!Levi Ereri/Riren)(BoyxBoy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora