Chapter 5

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Eren's POV

Eren carefully left the alley way, looking around to make sure no Demons were around. Luckily, they weren't. Okay. I need to get out of here. He silently walked along the carpet, ignoring the sounds it would make when his feet would hit against it. Every now and then, he would see a demon and hide himself, making sure they didn't catch him. Finally he saw it. The wooden door. Smiling, he ran for it, wasting no time before he held onto the door handle and exited middle earth.

Closing the door behind him, Eren leaned against it, his heart racing, his head aching with questions and thoughts. Levi. Levi the demon. The demon Levi. Can I trust him? Does he trust me? Wait. No. I can't be just thinking about him. I just found out demons exist. They are real. Yet they're terrifying. Honestly, I'm afraid to see him again.

Eren lifted himself off the door and followed the red glowing light. -45:00, -45:01, -45:02... He looked at the timer. He'd been gone for an hour. An hour?! Wow... He swiped his hand through the darkness until it made contact with metal. Suddenly, the room lit up with a turquoise light, outlining the gate. Quickly grasping onto the handle, Eren pushed it open, hoping no one would be on the other side.

Levi POV

Levi arrived back at the palace, making sure not to run into any guards on the way. He managed to arrive to the door that lead back to hell safely, however, he dreaded going through that door. He dreaded to walk into the palace, knowing that there will be a dead guard in the library. His death partially caused by Levi. Actually, no. His death was technically in Levi's hands. Since Levi was the one to slice off his hand, the guard wouldn't be of much use anymore after losing a hand, so execution would be to happen. Either that, or he bled to death on the library floor, since levi did also manage to cut his wrist quite deeply. A death was caused and it was Levi's fault. There was no hope that he could be alive because...well, it's false hope. Levi would be lying to himself if he told himself everything was okay. Yes, he was just a measly guard, but a life is still a life and Levi ended that life. Not that he had much of a life to live though....that thought was the only thing that helped him not drown in guilt.

He knew he'd had to go through. He took a deep breath then opened the door, slightly, making the crack big enough so that he could slip through. Closing the door behind him, gently, he immediately rushed into the palace, opening the door to his basement, closing it behind him, then running down into his cell, lying on his bed, his heart racing. Thank god no one saw me. Suddenly, the basement door slammed open and a couple of guards came down, heavily armed, summoning Levi.

"Your father wishes to speak to you." One of the guards said, standing boldly yet if you looked carefully, you would be able to see the fear in his eyes. Now? I didn't even get time to think. All I want to do is think about that Angel brat. What was his name again? Eden? Erin? Eren. That's it. Levi got up from his bed, sighing and walked up to the guard, giving him a menacing glare.

"And what does my father wish to speak to me about?" Levi put his hand against the bars and stared deeper into the guards eyes.

"W-well, w-we're not allowed access to that i-information. S-so follow us immediately." The guard stuttered, making an effort to sound intimidating. Levi chuckled at his weak attempt then stopped and obliged after making a 'tch' noise.

He followed the guards out of his basement, feeling a slight pang of fear as he did so. His father was Lucifer. Satan. The Devil. Three names that would strike fear in anyone's heart, including Levi's. Why his father wanted to see him, he had no idea. Well, he had an idea, but he didn't want to believe it. He couldn't have found out that I went to middle earth, right? Then Levi mentally face palmed himself at the stupidity of that thought. Of course he knows. Guards were chasing me. Some were even considering killing me. Of course my father knows. And that is what he is going to want to talk about. Also, he probably knows about the library incident, and about my curiosity. And Eren. Hell. He probably knows everything. Who knows what is to come. Shivering slightly, so slightly that nobody would know he did except Levi himself, he feared what punishment he would receive from his father.

Back to Eren's POV

Eren walked through the gate to find that it was still dark and people were still sleeping. Thank the Lord. Wait. That's my father. Gosh. Watching how those humans act really effect how I think. I have to stop. He carefully walked through the front garden, reaching the doors to the palace. About to open the door, he suddenly realised that he was covered in Angel and Demon blood. That wasn't at all good. Eren knew he'd have to come up with a plan and quickly. Maybe if I rush to my bedroom, change my clothes quickly, wash my hands then clean the floors and dry them quickly so no one trips, and the blood off the front garden and the door handle, then take a shower, no one would know. Foolproof? No. But it's worth a shot. So Eren did so. He opened the doors and hastily walked through the hallway, leaving bloody footprints behind. He opened the door to his bedroom and took of his now Crimson gown, changing into a white one. The question was, what was he going to do with the other one. Burn it? No. Maybe I could keep it as a momentum of my first experience in middle earth. No. That's a bit messed up. But then, it will remind me about when I first met Levi. He did save me after all...and I can't wait to see him again. I've got so many questions. Like what's it like being a demon. What hell is like. Things like that. Ooooh. I'm so exited to see him again. Eren carefully folded up his gown and placed it in a special box that he kept hidden under his wardrobe. However, Eren knew that he'd have to wash it since the smell of blood would eventually over power the room. The smell of Angel blood. A smell that would make him sick yet he was covered in it and tempted to keep it. What the heck was wrong with him? Eren knew he'd have to wash his gown at some point. When? He had no idea.

Eren then walked into his bathroom and washed his hands quickly, washing out all the blood, his cuts and bruises regenerating as the water from the fountain trickled onto his hands, the water sinking into his veins and healing him all over. After he walked out, he grabbed a wet cloth and a dry cloth, walking out into the hallway, scrubbing the floors. He'd clean the blood off one spot, then he would dry it with the other cloth.

After about fifteen minutes, Eren had done half the hallway, taking what seemed like an eternity.


Eren froze at the sound of a door clicking closed. Please be inside the room. Inside. Please. Unfortunately, his pleading didn't work.

"Eren? Is that you? What are you doing?"


A/N: who found Eren? His mother? Mikasa? Who knows? Oh wait. I do. Hehe. Sorry for taking so long to upload. School is taking over my life. 😫 I'm having so much fun writing this though. I have so many ideas and I can't wait to put them into words. I hope you are enjoying this. I'm certainly enjoying writing it. I think I'll either upload the next chapter tomorrow or next weekend so yeah. Have a wonderful day and I'll hopefully see you soon.


The Fallen Angel (Angel!ErenxDemon!Levi Ereri/Riren)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now