Chapter 7.5

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"T-this is beautiful." Lucifer said, his eyes wide from the beauty. "However it's missing something."

"And what's that, Lucy?" Grisha asked, curiously.

Lucifer looked up into Grisha's eyes, ignoring the nickname.


Gasping slightly at his comment, Grisha's smile beamed as he grabbed Lucifer by the shoulders, looking back into his eyes.

"Brilliant." He responded.

After a couple of days of countless talking and sketches, the two had finally come up with the perfect idea for life. All the ideas seemed really random at the time, but then it wouldn't be a world that they had created if it didn't have any elements of surprise. They hadn't come up with the exact details but they knew that when they started to make it, ideas would just pop up in their minds, as a sort of improvisation.

And so came the day. The day when they were finally ready. They both went into Grisha's basement, who's walls were covered in black wallpaper with glowing, little lights scattered all over them.

"First we need the light, slash, warmth source." Grisha instructed, looking over to Lucifer. Lucifer nodded, understanding what he was meant to do.

Taking in a deep breath, he began to create the first thing. Their sun. Using only some of his strength to do so, Lucifer started to form a small ball of amber fire in his hands, making it rotate a little. 

He looked at the sun, then back at Grisha.

"It needs to be bigger, doesn't it."

"Yeah." Grisha responded, nodding slightly, thinking hard, his forefinger and thumb grasped around his chin, gently. "Yeah it does. Like ten times bigger. No. More than that."

"Okay." Lucifer added more heat and flame to their sun until it was huge, almost the size of him. "Like this?"

"Yep. That's perfect. Just put it over there." Grisha pointed to the other side of the room, which was now filled up with the sun's light. Taking a moment to admire it, both boys stared at the gleaming ball of light, not being able to help but smile at the thought of creating life. This was the first step. What they had been planning for a while, was finally happening and the first thing they had created, was already beautiful. However, that was only the beginning.

"What next?" Lucifer asked quietly, not taking his eyes of the sun.

"We need to create...our world." Grisha answered, his voice barely above a whisper. He looked over to lucifer, noticing how the Suns light gleamed into his eyes, making the light, Crimson colour of them almost glow.

Lucifer nodded slowly, finally breaking his gaze from what he had been staring at for at least, what it had seemed, five to ten minutes, if not, more.

"Where to begin..." he said to himself, wondering how they should approach the task.

"I don't know. I still can't believe we're actually doing this." Grisha said, chuckling slightly, running his hand through his dark, long hair, then sighing.

"Well, believe it because it is happening." Lucifer said lightly, giving him a small smile. Grisha looked over to his best friend, returning his smile with a big one.

"Right." He said, determinedly, "Let's begin."

It took eight attempts. It wasn't until the ninth one that they got it right or, in their eyes, perfect.

The Fallen Angel (Angel!ErenxDemon!Levi Ereri/Riren)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now