Chapter 6

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Levi's POV

As Levi followed the guards, two obtainig a tight grip around Levi's arms, they eventually arrived in front of two black doors, detailed with small, scarlet red patterns all over it. If Levi wasn't panicking inside, he would say that it was quite a beautiful door, however his mind was preoccupied. I'm going to die...or get tortured at the least. I may be his son but he doesn't seem to care about that. One of the guards began to push the door open. No. No. Stop. I don't want to enter. Please. Help me. No. I'l do anything just please. I don't want to see him. Levi internally screamed and yelled, begging inside to let him go. However, on the outside, he kept a straight face and remained silent as the guards walked him into the room.

As Levi looked around, he realised that it had been ages since he had been in this room. His ears were filled with the sound of souls' suffering screams, his body overwhelmed by the immense heat he was feeling. Wincing at the feeling of his feet being stabbed by bits of pitch black coal, he stared straight ahead, walking towards a fiery pit, a black thrown, shimmering on the other side and sitting in it, was his father, his legs slung over the side, his head leaning against his palm, his cold, dark eyes staring into Levi's, his mouth curling into a terrifying smirk.

"Levi. My favourite son." His voice boomed, the guards immediately running out at the sound of it. Levi's father bright red horns glimmered gently from the fire light, his black, long tail curling around the top of his thrown.

"Favourite son? Why do I find that hard to believe?" Levi bravely muttered, looking away from his father's gaze.

"Now Levi. You know that's no way to talk to your father." He said, pouting, "Besides, I have big plans for you. I can see your future already. Levi. The demon 'Lust'. The most powerful of the seven sins. Souls will quiver at the mere mention of your name." Levi remained silent for a minute before saying "Why am I here?"

Suddenly, the room filled with the sound of laughter. "Oh I think you know." Lucifer got off his thrown and stood opposite Levi, staring at him through the flames. "A little birdie told me then you went into the Middle Earth. Is that true?" His voice remained calm yet deadly.

Levi gulped, afraid to answer his father's question.

"I guess you didn't hear me. IS THAT TRUE?!" His father yelled across, his expression becoming one of pure anger.


"Yes what?"

"Y-yes sir. I-I ran into the middle earth." Levi stuttered, unable to contain his fear hidden any longer.

"And tell me Levi. Before you stabbed the demon guards hand, what exactly were you doing?"

Levi knew he'd have to be careful answering that question. If his father found out about his new interest...

"I was cleaning the library." He answered simply. It was true after all. He was only missing out the major detail.

"Were you now?" His father's angry expression dropped to one of boredom. Lucifer then appeared in front of Levi, half a metre away from Levi's face. Before Levi had time to react, Lucifer held his chin and lifted it up slightly, staring into Levi's eyes.

"I'll ask again. What were you doing before they found you? And tell me the full truth."

Levi stared back into his father's eyes, trembling very slightly. "I-I was reading about A-Angels." He answered quietly. His father looked at him with disgust before letting go of his chin harshly.

The Fallen Angel (Angel!ErenxDemon!Levi Ereri/Riren)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now