Chapter 3

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Eren's POV

As soon as he ran through the gates, they tightly shut behind him, leaving Eren in complete darkness. "Hello?" he called out, wondering if anyone would hear him. No answer. He turned around to see if the gate was still there. Gone. It had vanished. "Wha..." He didn't know what to do or where to go. He was just in an empty space full of complete and utter darkness. He was in complete isolation. He ran to where the gates used to be, thinking that it might be some illusion. Swiping his hands, expecting to feel cold metal hit against his fingers, it was just air. The gate had disappeared. Suddenly, her saw a red light and looked up. There, big, red, bold words were flashing. Access Denied. Then a timer began to start. 15:00, 14:59, 14:58. Eren guessed that this was the timer until the gate would open again. 'Fifteen minutes is all I have.' he thought to himself, looking around in the darkness he was in.

"So this is what's beyond the gates." he said to himself, walking around, trying to find something. "I don't see any demons so why is everyone so....afraid....about beyond these gates...." he continued to walk until he walked into a door. "Ow..." he rubbed his head and looked at the door. The door was an oak brown, with gold at the edges, framing it. A few golden curls and lines traveled down the door, creating two words, written in golden cursive. 'Middle Earth.' "Middle Earth?" he looked at the door in confusion then the door handle. Curiosity killed the cat.... he thought to himself before grabbing the door handle, turning it. But satisfaction brought it back...Eren pushed the door open, revealing what was inside.

At first there was just a wide hallway. He walked down the deserted hallway, a red carpet for him to walk down, although it felt a little damp. A strange smell hit Eren, slightly sickening but he ignored it. After he walked for a little longer, her started to see life forms...but they weren't Angels. In fact they looked like the opposite. "Demons..." he muttered to himself, the word rolling off his tongue. Demons. They were real. They existed. It wasn't until he looked around properly though, did her realise the true dangers of Middle Earth. As soon as his eyes caught something, he froze, his mouth hung open. It was a body. An Angels body. Dead and limp, surrounded by a pool of blood. The blood traveled down to the carpet he was walking on, the carpet soaking it up, deepening the crimson colour. Suddenly, Eren understood. He shakily lifted up his foot, revealing the blood he was walking on. Her feet were covered blood. Eren gagged, covering his mouth, the smell of blood and rotting corpses making him feel nauseous. He was going to throw up any minute. I have to get away from! He ran forward, his feet squelching as they slapped against the blood, soaked carpet underneath, the smell only getting worse and worse.

It wasn't long until the Demons spotted Eren, his white wings out for the world to see. Chuckling, taking out their claws, they ran after him, blocking the way. "Well, well, well. Look what we have here. A little young Angel." Eren froze as he saw the Demon in front of him, their eyes glowing red, their scaly black wings out, their sharp razor teeth showing. The Demon's tail swung back and forth, his curled horns pointing out of his head. He took Eren's cheek by his hand, lifting Eren's head up so her could reveal his neck. "Tell me..." her said coldly, inhaling deeply and smirking. "What's a pure, sweet smelling Angel like you doing out here?" Eren felt his pride slipping away and he couldn't have that. He smacked the Demon's hand away and snarled, "Get your filthy hands off me." stepping back, hitting another demon behind him. "Hey boss," said the demon, his head completely bald, his smile crooked and evil, obvious that her was hungry for a meal. "When do we get to eat him?" Eren looked around, shaking in fear, becoming surrounded by Demons. He saw no way out. I'm going to die out here. And nobody is going to find me. I'll be a missing corpse. I'm going to join all the bodies, contributing my share to the carpet. The carpet and I will become one. A Demon then picked him up by the neck, tightening his grip around it by the second. Eren grabbed onto the hands, trying to pull them away, choking and coughing as the Demon squeezed tighter, and tighter. A thought then came to Eren's mind. If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't fight, you can't win. And with that, Eren began to glow, his wings spreading out widely. "What the fu-" As Eren glowed he let his hands drop to his side, a white, feathered spear with an extremely sharpened edge, forming in one of his hands. Eren smirked, then plunged the spear into the demons gut, muttering "Die, mother fucker." before pulling it out, blood splashing onto his face, and letting him drop to the floor. Immediately afterwards, Eren pulled the Demon's hand off his neck, stopped glowing and lowered his wings. Panting slightly, he got up, soaked in blood, his white gown now coloured red.

"Y-you killed him." he heard a voice behind him say. Eren froze, remembering that he wasn't the only Demon. I have to run. While I still can. Completely abandoning his spear, Eren made a run for it. After about 5 minutes had passed, the Demons snapped back to reality, still shocked at what had just happened. "Hey! Y-you come back here." Eren ran faster, looking behind him to see if they were close. Suddenly he bumped into someone. Shit. Not another Demon. "Ow! Watch where you're going brat!" he heard a voice yelling at him, then looked up, meeting a pair of silver eyes. 

The Fallen Angel (Angel!ErenxDemon!Levi Ereri/Riren)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now