Chapter 9

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3rd person POV

"Oi brat. You're late." Levi propped himself off the wall, a glint of annoyance in his eyes.

"Sorry and I'm not a brat." Eren answered, panting as he walked over to Levi.

"Tch. Whatever. Who wants to ask what first?" Levi asked, getting straight to the point. That was the reason they met up in the first place. To answer questions about either race. New reasons, however, hadn't occurred until later.

"I'll ask first, but can we sit down? I'm tired of standing." Eren suggested, wining a little, still tired from running.

Levi rolled his eyes. "Yeah whatever. Just sit down here." Levi gestured next to him and Eren did so. He then looked up at Levi, who seemed like a giant standing up while he was sitting down, regardless his height.

"Can you sit down too?" Eren asked, pulling his knees to his chest.

"It's filthy."

"Please?" Eren pleaded, looking up into Levi's eyes. "My neck hurts."

Levi sighed and sat down on the wall beside him, looking away. "You really are a brat, you know that?"

"Hmm." Eren furrowed his eyebrows but let it pass. He clutched onto his knees trying to meet Levi's gaze but he was looking away. "Fine. My first question."

Levi perked up and looked over at Eren, finally making eye contact with him. "Yeah? What is it?"

"What's it like in hell?" Eren asked, tilting his head to the side, waiting for an answer.

"Warm. Boring. Lonely. Next."

"" Eren muttered, slightly surprised by how blunt Levi's answer was. "Why is it lonely?"

"One question at a time."
"Fine. Let's take it in turns. You ask next."

Levi sat there for a minute, thinking about what he was going to ask. He knew that the answers he needed were supposed to help his father, but the questions to ask? He had no idea.

After a couple of minutes of silence, he finally thought of one. "What's it like in heaven? And what's your opinion on it?" He asked, curious to find out not just about angels and heaven, but this small Angel in particular as well.

Eren gathered his thoughts, humming in thought as he chose his words carefully. "Peaceful, annoying and pure."

"Annoying?" Levi furrowed his eyebrows, confused.

"Well, yes. In my opinion, it is. But I've never told anybody. Please don't tell anyone Levi. I trust you with this. In fact, you have to swear that everything said here in this alleyway, we take to our graves. Promise?" Eren looked into Levi's eyes, his own glistening with hope and desperation.

Levi looked back into Eren's, his heart melting a little as he saw the oceanic green eyes sparkle with so many different emotions. He couldn't say no.

"I promise."

"Pinky swear." Eren held his pinky out in front of Levi. Levi looked at the brunette finger, then back at him. "What?"

"Pinky swear. You're supposed..." Eren grabbed Levi's hand, folding it into a small fist, pulling out the pinky. " link pinkies with the person you're promising. It's like a bond." Eren urged his finger in front of Levi.

Eventually, Levi gave in, his pinky wrapped around Eren's.

"Cross your heart and hope to die."

The Fallen Angel (Angel!ErenxDemon!Levi Ereri/Riren)(BoyxBoy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt