Chapter 14

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Levi's POV

During those five years, Levi knew he had made a mistake spearing the angel. In fact, he predicted that the brunette would have his heart set on murdering him after everything he did. Did Levi even feel guilty though?


Not one inch of guilt lingered in his gut, nor did any thoughts contradicting the choices he made nag at him in the back of his mind. The only negative feeling he felt was regret, regret that he chose to spare the life of the pure, teal eyed boy, who wasn't pure at all for a son of god. What had driven him to grow weak and let him live? Was it that wonderful look of hurt in his eyes, those musically beautiful cries of grief and anger, to prevent him from committing a simple act? It could've been. But he was weak, back then. He was no demon, only a helpless soul in a demon's body, one that felt sympathy and empathy for others, even angels.

What had changed him? What caused him from being that naive, soft hearted boy, to this demon? A selfish, heartless, lustful demon? It was the fact that he was a demon that changed him.

"Father!" Levi exclaimed as he ran into the throne room. This was very unlike him but he couldn't wait any longer. He knew what he had to do. He was going to make his father proud.

"Levi?" Lucifer rose an eyebrow, one leg crossed over the other as he sat on his large throne.

"I've done it. I know everything. And I know how we're going to invade." Instantly intrigued, his father signalled for Levi to continue.

And so Levi did. He told him everything about the apple, the barrier, the gate connecting middle earth and heaven. "And if we could just posses an angel to bite the apple  for us...."

Lucifer was honestly impressed. He didn't think his son would get that far, yet, as he had predicted many times before, Levi was going to do big things. 'Levi the lust prince' , was a name that lucifer was convinced would go down in history.

"Well done, my son. There's just one thing I want you to do."

Levi's excited expression changed into a serious one. "Yes?"

"Kill Eren."

All the happiness and excitement was drained out of him in an instant.

"W-what?" He asked, not sure if he heard correctly.

"We don't need him anymore. And, it's part of my plan. DON'T mess this up for me, Levi." He warned, his eyes beginning to flame in anger.

Levi could feel his heart drop to his feet, staring at his father, horror glistening in his eyes.

"But-" however, he halted as soon as he saw his father disappear from his spot, reappearing behind him.

A low, quiet chuckle caused shivers to travel up and down his spine. Levi could feel his father's soft breath in his ear.

"You're not growing attached to the Angel, are you Levi."


"Don't lie to me, son." He dangerously said, his hands crawling up his arms to land on his shoulders. Walking forward, Levi's eyes widened as he was being pushed towards the pit.

"You know that there's only one way to settle this.."

Shaking his head violently, Levi trembled. "No. I'm not ready. Please." He begged, becoming so afraid.

"Look at what he's done to you, Levi. He's made you weak, sympathetic. Do you really think he'd hesitate to kill you if he had the chance? You know more than anyone that he isn't as pure as he should be. He's a demon in disguise. He's no different to his father. I don't want you to make the same mistake I did. No son of mine will make the mistake such as trusting an angel, understand?"

Nodding, Levi agreed, realising that he was right. Eren made him like this. Eren made him feel kindness, guilt, things he shouldn't feel as a demon. It was possible he was only using him as well, that he deliberately gave him the information to kill him. It was all his fault that his father wouldn't be proud.


"Good. Now go. I've got some business to attend to."

Nodding, Levi left, closing the door behind him, clenching his fists. 'Don't worry. I'll kill him as soon as I lay my eyes on him.'

((Sorry this chapter is so short. I hope things are slowly beginning to make sense and stuff (in case it was confusing).  More is to be revealed. Thank you for reading.))


The Fallen Angel (Angel!ErenxDemon!Levi Ereri/Riren)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now