Chapter 11

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Eren's POV

Eren's eyes shot open. The air was echoing with the sound of muffled screams as he sat up, groggily rubbing his eyes. He swung his legs over the bed, scratching the back of his head, still waking up. Suddenly, an ear piercing scream snapped him out of his sleepy state and he immediately opened the door to the hallway, greeted by bloody footsteps. I thought those were cleared up. He thought, confused but they weren't his. They were much larger and yet they still reeked of the blood of an angel. Eyes widening, sweat beginning to occur, Eren summoned his spear, gripping tightly onto the white wood it was made of, the pointed edge glistening. Wasting no more time, he ran, ran to the two, ginormous doors that started his mini adventure and ended it. He brought his shaky hand to the handle, hesitant before pushing it open, so full of fear and concern, the muffled screams beginning to break through.

As he opened it though, his eyes widened in utter horror and fear, his body trembling at the sight, making him feel sick. His eyes glimmered with a kind of madness as they scanned the area, seeing the lifeless bodies of angels scattered everywhere, watching them fight and succumb under the power of the demons they were fighting. Blood was dribbling down the groves of the concrete tiles, staining Eren's feet once again, the smell too familiar. Suddenly, a rush of anger burst through, making Eren go mad as he ran into the battlefield, piercing his spear through demons, pulling them out with no mercy. He could now only smell demon blood, the scent a lot more appealing. A crooked smirk approached his lips as he killed non stop, but froze as he saw her.

His mother's body, her white dress soaked up in blood. Maybe she's just asleep. Maybe that's not her blood. He thought, worried, dropping his spear and kneeling down beside her.

"Mum." He said, quietly at first, shaking her. "Mum. Wake up. Please." He said, a bit louder, shaking her harder. Her body was limp. "Mum! Please wake up! You can't go!! You can't leave me!! I'm sorry! Just...just WAKE UP, GODDAMN IT!" He yelled, tears streaming down his face, sobbing over her clod, lifeless body, shaking her rapidly but she wouldn't wake up. Finally, he gave up, resulting to just tears, quietly begging for this all to be just a dream.

"Aww. What a shame. I bet she was a wonderful woman." He heard a cold, sarcastic voice say. Eren stopped, his head low as well as his voice.

"She was." He snarled, looking up at the demon. He went to grab his spear but it burst into flames and turned into ash as soon as he was about to touch it.


"As you can tell, I am stronger than these idiots and do you want to know why?" The demon leant in and whispered in Eren's ear. 

"Because I'm Satan."

Eren's eyes widened. He knew exactly who that was. King of the underworld and demons. It was true. Everything that he thought were myths, were true. His eyes glistened with tears of rage.  He quietly summoned a spear while he was still close.

"This was you..." he whispered back, plunging the spear right through his body. "It's your fault she's dead!" He yelled, pulling out the blade...But he wouldn't fall. He didn't die. He just knelt there, an amused smirk on his face. Eren tried again, then again, countless times until he felt himself drop his spear and rise, his feet thrashing in the air.

"The funny thing is, that none of this could've actually happened if it weren't for you."

"What do you..." He was cut off though as Satan's grip tightened. Eren helplessly tried to pry his hands off but stopped when seeing the huge smirk across his face. What was he talking about? That's when he felt himself slam into the ground.

The Fallen Angel (Angel!ErenxDemon!Levi Ereri/Riren)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now