Chapter 10

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Levi's POV

Levi walked back to hell, a smile still on his face. What was this Angel doing to him? Smiling? He couldn't even remember the last time he smiled.

As soon as he opened the door to hell, the smile he had was wiped off his face at the memory of what he had to do next. First, he had to tell his father everything, then he had to find a way to get to that Apple.

Walking into the red and black palace halls, he looked for the library, remembering he never got to finish cleaning it and there was the book on Angels. He knew that if he looked, he might find something interesting in there. He grabbed his cleaning products once again and entered the library, greeted by a rather large, crimson stain on the ground. At least the body is gone. He thought as he began to scrub at the stain.

It took him a while, but he had finally finished cleaning the library. There was no dust or blood to be seen. Levi wiped beads of sweat off his forehead, sighing in content. Now, where can I find that book? He thought to himself, searching along the now spotless shelves, not a speck of dust in sight. The once umber shelfs were now a pecan brown, the polished oak glimmering. Levi trailed his finger along the dusted books, stopping at the familiar pure white book, labelled, "Heaven and it's Angels." This was where it all started. He thought, opening the front page, seeing the instructions embedded with ink on the paper. He took out his pocket knife, piercing the soft, pale skin on his finger, allowing a drop of blood to fall, the once white space absorbing the crimson red.

The book didn't do the same as last time though. It stayed as a normal book. Confused, Levi turned the pages. Blank. What? He stared at the empty pieces of parchment paper, trying to come up with an explanation, when suddenly, black strokes of ink slowly appeared on the pages, the first one saying Welcome, Prince Levi. He flicked to the next page. What. Next one. Would. Next one. You. Next one. Like?

Levi could see his plan slowly falling into place, it set perfectly in his mind as he flicked to the next blank page, taking his finger and writing in his own blood

Rules of Possessing

Eren's POV

Eren crept back into heaven, thinking over the conversation him and Levi had. Overall, he was quite content with how things went. He didn't learn as much as he thought he would've but their relationship was now labeled as friends. He could now say that he was friends with a demon. Smiling at the thought, Eren crept into the castle, hoping no one saw him. Seeing nobody, he sighed with reilief, tiptoeing into the hallway.

"Eren. Why are you up so late at night?" He heard a deep voice behind him say. Why was it that he was always caught at the worst, possible times? Inwardly sighing he turned around meeting the eyes of his father.

Silence. The both of them stood in the hallway, opposite each other, Eren feeling his heart pound in his chest, his hands growing sweaty. It wasn't until then did he notice the blood stained marble floor, each print shaped as a foot. Suddenly his mind was screaming with panic, his head spinning, inwardly cursing himself for being so reckless. Avoiding his gaze, he waited for his father to speak, the silence slowly killing him.

"Eren, wha-"

"I can explain." He said hurriedly, nearly shouting it. It took a few seconds until his father replied.

"Go on then. Explain."

Eren tried so hard to think of something and he had to do it quickly.

"I....I..." His face was heating up, his hands growing sweatier.

"Is that blood?" His father said, his expression void of any emotion yet his voice was low and deadly. Eren remained silent.

"Did you go beyond the gates?" The only thing Eren could hear was his own heart beat and his father's footsteps, walking towards him. Eren fixed his gaze on the ground, feeling a shadow tower over him.

"I'll ask again. Did you go beyond the gates?"



Eren's eyes were wide, glistening with tears as he felt the throbbing pain in his cheek.

"Don't lie to me Eren. I know you went beyond the gates and I know you went to middle earth."

Eren didn't answer, his head low, a shadow casting over his face.

"I don't want to catch you going there again. Do you understand?"

Eren stayed silent.

"I said do you understand?!" His father shouted, causing Eren to flinch.

"Y-yes." He mumbled, swallowing back the tears that threatened to fall. His father walked away, the blood vanishing, leaving Eren alone in the hallway, a couple of tears falling onto the marble floor.


Eren's grandmother was walking through the garden, a couple of stands of her silver hair falling in front of her face. The peaceful atmosphere made her feel calm and relaxed as she felt the soft grass beneath her feet. Everything was at ease. Everything was perfect. The birds were soaring through the skies, singing their melodies, the flowers blooming proudly, showing their faces to the sun and last of all, the Apple, glimmering, wrapped completely in red. 

Except, it wasn't. The woman's jaw dropped in horror, her hand shakily covering her mouth as the colour in her face was completely drained, leaving her pale as she stared at the light orange gap, the red skin cowering over jagged edges of the bite.

"Help!" She yelled, running as fast as she could. "Help!" She ran out of the garden but when she went to warn everyone, it was too late.

(Hey. Sorry for the short chapter and taking so long to upload. I know. I'm sorry. I can't wait to write the next chapter though. That chapter is basically the first thought I imagined then based this whole fanfic around it, just so I could write it. Anyways, I hoped you guys had a great Christmas. I might upload before the new year but I don't know.)


The Fallen Angel (Angel!ErenxDemon!Levi Ereri/Riren)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now